Best Coffee Makers under $50 [3 Key Factors]

Are you looking for a good quality & affordable coffee makers? Keep reading this post to find out which is the best coffee makers under $50.

3 Key Factors For Choosing the Best Coffee Maker under $50?

1 What is the size of your usual serving?

For example, if you drink only one cup at a time, then you have to limit your options and look for single-serve coffee makers that’ll do you good at brewing you a single serving.

However, if the whole family drinks coffee in the morning for example, or if you usually invite your friends for coffee, then single-serve coffee makers is a waste of time and you need to go shopping for another one with a bigger reservoir.


2 What kind of coffee do you usually drink?

Before buying your coffee maker, think of what type of coffee do you mostly enjoy. If you bought an espresso machine, will it be of good use? Or do you enjoy drinking lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas more? Or do you enjoy more than one type of coffee so you better go for a coffee maker that brews a versatile range of coffee types? It’s very essential that you take your time making up your mind before you buy a product that has match to your needs.


3 Your own habit of making coffee

If you enjoy making your coffee alongside to drinking it, then you should go for something manual that allows you to have a role in brewing your coffee. A french press, for example, allows you to insert your coffee and then grind it manually, and it would be a fit for you if you enjoy the coffee making process without costing you a lot of time.

However, if you like to drink your coffee in the morning when you have little to no energy, then you should go for something more automatic that brews coffee with just a few button presses.


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Top 5 Best Coffee Makers under 50 dollars

1) Mr. Coffee 12-cup Programmable Coffee Maker

Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker

Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker

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This product is for you if you’re a busy bee and more into automatic brewers. It is equipped with top-notch programming features, as it has a programmable timer that allows you to set what time exactly do you want to brew your coffee up to 24 hours in advance, shuts off automatically after 2 hours, as well as allowing you to pause in the middle of brewing to pour yourself a cup of coffee.


Easy to wash : You can easily remove the filter assembly and wash it, or even place it in the dishwasher and it’s gonna do the work with no trouble.

Good cost, good quality : It may be hard to find a coffee maker with a fine quality and a reasonable cost. However, this product is affordable and it does what you expect it do do. It brews a fine pot of coffee with good quality and without making any mess in your kitchen

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Top-notch automatic features : This product comes with automatic features like no other. If you usually forget to turn off your coffee maker, you don’t need to worry about it anymore. It’s going to automatically shut itself off after 2 hours to prevent burning your coffee. Also, if you want to wake up in the morning to a ready, hot pot of coffee, you can schedule the brewing time up to 24 hours in advance so you’re just ready to drink. Besides, if it’s brewing and you don’t want to wait until it finishes making the whole pot, you can pause and pour yourself a hot cup.


Some noises: After the coffee maker finishes brewing, the brewing noises don’t stop. However, it doesn’t last long.

Doesn’t stay open: It is not designed to stay open so, you have to open it manually every time you want to put the grounds in it

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2) Bodum Brazil French Press

Bodum 1548-01US Brazil French Press Coffee and Tea Maker

Bodum 1548-01US Brazil French Press Coffee and Tea Maker

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Besides being a coffee maker, it also makes tea. French Press coffee makers are a lot of people’s favorite, and this product for particular is easier to use than other French press coffee makers. You can make your coffee in 3 easy steps. Add coffee, add hot water, and wait for 4 minutes. Its base and handle are made of BPA-free polypropylene, the carafe is made out of German heat-resistant glass, and the plunger is made of stainless steel. It comes in 12 oz, 34 oz, and 51 oz serving sizes.


Rich taste – French press coffee makers are known for making rich coffee, and this product specially is popular for the unique, scrumptious taste of coffee that’ll make your taste buds dance! This is due to not using paper filters or plastic capsules that filter oils from the coffee beans. Thanks do these unfiltered oils, the coffee is richer than any other.

Easy and quick brewing : You shouldn’t be spending a lot of time or a lot of effort making your coffee, specially in the morning when you’re usually in a hurry and a little clumsy. In these cases, this product will work just fine for you. You don’t need to do anything more than just adding your coarsely grounded coffee, then add your water, and your coffee will be ready in just 4 minutes!

Easy to wash : While drinking your coffee, you don’t need to worry about the time you’ll spend washing your coffee maker after you finish. This coffee maker is really easy to wash. Also, if you have a dishwasher, then good news for you, it is dishwasher safe.


No markings : There are no markings to indicate how much water you did pour. You’ll have to use your own sense, or count how many cups have you have poured in.

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3) Bialetti Moka Express

Bialetti 06800 Express Moka Pot

Bialetti 06800 Express Moka Pot

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This is an espresso like coffee maker that will provide your coffee a strong, rich and delicious espresso-like taste. This coffee maker comes in various sizes. The 1-cup, 3-cup, 6-cup and 9-cup sizes are all below $50. It makes you a strong, rich coffee in less than 5 minutes. Besides, it is easy to rinse and is disassemble.


Tastes just like espresso : Forget about spending tons of money on espresso coffee shops, this coffee maker has got you! Although the pressure of this style is not enough to make a real espresso, you will not see a difference in the taste. Your coffee will taste just like espressos from expensive coffee shops, and the deal is, it’s not expensive and you can make it at home!

Strong coffee taste : If you’re a fan of rich, strong coffee taste then this product is definitely made for you. It provides you with a remarkably strong taste that you can’t find anywhere else.

Range of Options : If you usually brew one cup at a time, then you should buy the 3-cup size. If you usually brew for your whole family, then you might need the 6-cup size. Actually, if you need to buy both, you can. Buying 2 sizes of this product will not be too cash demanding.



Some pots are better than the others : The aluminum quality of the 6-cup size pot is relatively better than the 3-cup size and the 9-cup size.

Easy to rinse, but hard to deep-wash : Rinsing the coffee maker thoroughly will not be a big problem for you, however, washing it deeply might be. So, to solve this problem you might just use water to rinse the brewer after every brew, and deep-cleanse it every week or so.


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4) DELONGHI Authentic Italian Espresso Maker

DELONGHI EMK6 for Authentic Italian Espresso

DELONGHI EMK6 for Authentic Italian Espresso

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This coffee maker brews authentic coffee in the Italian way with the mocha process. The process of brewing your coffee can be summarized in the following steps: fill your boiler with water, fill your filter with ground coffee, then wait for your delicious coffee to be placed in the container within just a few minutes. You don’t have to worry about your coffee burning or overflowing with the automatic safety shut off feature. Well, there is actually a 2-level safety system; the machine shuts off after the brewing is finished and after the body is lifted up from the base. It also includes a setting that allows your coffee to stay warm in the brewer for up to 30 minutes.


High level of Safety : This product is equipped with a high level of safety system as it automatically shuts itself off after it finishes brewing and after you lift the body up from the base. Alongside to that, it is equipped with pressurized safety valve and cool touch handle.

Easy and convenient brewing process : Your coffee making process can’t be more easy with this on and off button operation. A single button press will have your coffee ready in minutes! Also, there’s a light indicator that helps you follow the brewing process. Moreover, the container is see-through so you can monitor the whole brewing process. Finally, it shuts off when there’s a little bit of water left so it doesn’t cause over dryness.

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Quick : Unlike other coffee makers that take time to brew a large amount of coffee, this coffee maker will brew the whole coffee container within a few minutes. No more time to waste!



Wait in between servings : Although the brewing process is easy and quick, but you have to wait about a few minutes after each brew before you can make another serving.


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5) Simple stovetop coffee makers

Detectorcatty Aluminum 8-Angle Moka Pot

Detectorcatty Aluminum 8-Angle Moka Pot

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This is a great option for you if you’re looking for a single-serving, simple coffee maker that brews your coffee with no need to all of the advanced features. There is a simple stovetop coffee maker called Detectorcatty. It is very fast and easy to use. This coffee maker is a moka pot that provides you a coffee with a strong, delicious taste in just a few, easy and quick steps. It’s highly portable that you can take it with you anywhere you go.


Portable : Usually, single-serving coffee makers are lightweight and easy to be carried anywhere. You can take it with you to the office, or even carry it with you while camping or boating.

Cheap : Because it’s simple and it doesn’t brew large amounts of coffee, it won’t cost you much. That’s why this is a great option if you’re living alone or trying to be on a budget, or both.

Easy to operate : All you need is to add water in the bottom chamber, add the ground coffee in the middle basket and put it on the stove to boil. That’s it and you’re served a tasty, strong and rich coffee!



Less features than more expensive ones : Let’s be honest, this coffee maker is much cheaper than the others, so of course it won’t be equipped with much features and settings like the other ones. This just does its work of making coffee with no additional settings.


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The product that I call my personal favorite out of all of these is the Bodium Brazil French Press coffee and tea maker. I’m a huge fan of French Press coffee makers, and this one specifically makes coffee so rich and so luscious! It’s also very easy to use and very easy to clean.

Bodum 1548-01US Brazil French Press Coffee and Tea Maker

Bodum 1548-01US Brazil French Press Coffee and Tea Maker

Check It Out

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