Cuisinart Coffee Maker On Demand DCC 3000 Review [5 Key Benefits NOT to be MISSED]

Many people are wondering what is all of the buzz about surrounding the new Cuisinart Maker on Demand DCC3000. Why are there so many customers purchasing this once in a lifetime coffeemaker?

In this review, I would like to share with you some of the excellent benefits of this fantastic coffee maker.



Cuisinart Coffee Maker On Demand DCC 3000 : Who it is for?


Cuisinart Coffee Maker on demand DCC 3000 - It can brew 12 cups of coffee and act likes a coffee dispenser

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Cuisinart coffee maker on demand is ideal for a large family of coffee drinkers who wakes up at different times.

It is capable of brewing up to 12 cups of coffee at one go. However, you get the benefit of a single serve coffee maker as it uses an actuator to dispense coffee one cup at a time. The double walled coffee reservoir stores the coffee and keeps the coffee hot for hours.

This dispensing feature makes DCC 3000 ideal for use in small offices too.

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Who it is not for?

If you want like to have a single-serve coffee maker without dealing with coffee powder, a capsule-based coffee maker will be more suitable for you. If you trust only Cuisinart, you can check out these Cuisinart coffee maker with K cup options available.


5 Key Benefits of the Cuisinart Coffee Maker DCC 3000


  1. The Coffee Gauge


Cuisinart Coffee Maker DCC 3000 - It has a coffee gauge to show the amount of coffee left in the coffee tankThis has to be my favorite feature of them all. This particular feature displays the amount of coffee remaining in the unit, which means no more second guessing on whether you have enough left over for two cups or just one cup.

You will love the way this particular gauge resembles the way a car gas gauge looks. It was purposely created that way because the majority of us can associate this type of gauge with a vehicle gauge, allowing you to know when it is full and when it is getting close to being empty.

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But I want to tell you about another great feature!


  1. The 24 Hour Programmability

Cuisinart Coffee Maker on demand - It can be programmed to automatically start brewing up to 24 hours in advanceThis unique feature has the capability to turn the coffeemaker on, up to 24 hours in advance.

So even if you go out of town for a day, you can still set this coffeemaker up where as soon as you come home and open the door, your coffee would already be brewing inside. It doesn’t get any better than that! Having this coffeemaker in your house is like giving yourself an early birthday present. But wait!

Not only does it have an auto-on button that can be set 24 hours in advance, it also has a shut off button as well. Therefore, as soon as your coffee stop brewing, you can set the time to shut it off within 0 to 4 hours.

Many times when we leave the house, we have to turn around in order to make sure we turned everything off in the house, but with this special coffeemaker, it gives you a peace of mind knowing that it will shut off on its own.

That is truly an awesome feature to have and believe it or not, it does get better!


  1. The Clean Setting

 I have to say, there are going to be a lot of men and women that are going to smile and relate to the clean setting, This is definitely the game changer. The clean setting informs you when it’s time to clean the coffeemaker and remove any calcium buildup.

This means no more circling days on the calendar or adding an alert to your cellphone to let you know when it’s time for the coffeemaker to be cleaned. This coffeemaker is like having your own robot, and it it keeps up with the time to clean the coffeemaker where you don’t have to and that is important.


  1. The Audible Tone

This is used whenever your coffee has stopped brewing. Once it does stop, you will hear an audible sound that will let you know that the the coffee has stopped brewing. This helps whenever you are busy in the morning and you’re getting ready to go to work, this neat little feature will give off a sound that allows you to know that the coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

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  1. Power Loss Backup System

This feature is so amazing! With the power loss backup system, I’ll need to give you an example.

Lets say it is lightning outside and your power blinks off for a few seconds. Instead of you having to program everything on your coffeemaker all over again, this well-thought out feature will keep your settings in place for one minute after your power blinks off for any reason.

Another example is if the kids are in the house and one of them accidentally unplugs the coffeemaker. If it is within the one minute, all they will need to do is plug it back up. There’s absolutely nothing loss. Your coffee settings will still remain in place. Everything works exactly the way it did before the little scare you had of losing everything. Now that is a feature that not every company can say they have.


Cuisinart Coffee Maker on demand - Removable drip tray to fit large coffee tumbler


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Other Features of Cuisinart Coffee Maker DCC 3000


Besides those 5 excellent features, there are many other features that comes with this coffeemaker, so it is definitely an investment that you will be proud that you made.

  • easy-to-use actuator which dispenses a cup at a time whenever you need it
  • Dispenser alert that lights up when pressing the lever to get your coffee
  • Has 1-4 cup option to optimize brew parameter for lesser coffee brewing
  • Removable water tank
  • Gold tone coffee filter to enhance coffee extraction
  • Charcoal water filter to remove impurities
  • Double walled coffee reservoir with a capacity of 12 5-ounces cups of coffee
  • Removable coffee reservoir
  • Removable drip tray for travel mugs
  • Instruction book included
  • It is BPA free
  • Limited 3-year warranty

Video of Cuisinart DCC3000 in action

Alternative Products

If you do not need to make a big full pot of coffee at once, you can consider another Cuisinart single cup coffee maker  SS10. This single server coffee brewer can only brew with both coffee pods (including Keurig K cups) and ground coffee.

If you don’t need to use coffee pods, another option will be the Cuisinart 4 cup coffee maker DCC 450BK. This coffee maker is compact and has a stainless steel thermal carafe. So it can keep your coffee hot for a long time.

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Should I buy Cuisinart Coffee Maker On Demand?


Now, lets talk about the cost of one of these brilliant coffeemakers. It’s almost being given away for free! Any coffeemaker with this many features could cost you well over $200.00 and if you search long enough, you will see all of the higher prices for a coffeemaker that does not even come close to what we are getting with the Cuisinart DCC-3000.

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The price is under $100! That is all it costs and there are no hidden charges. So when your friends come over to your home, you can brew them some fresh coffee and bring them alongside with you into the kitchen so they can see the Cuisinart Coffeemaker working in action. They will think you spent hundreds of dollars on this coffeemaker and it will be a wonderful conversation piece. I’m sure after seeing yours, when you walk in their home, they will have one too.


Cuisinart Coffee Maker on demand DCC 3000 - It can brew 12 cups of coffee and act likes a coffee dispenser


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So what are you waiting for? Isn’t it about time that you spent something on you? You will have fun just playing around and learning all of the features with the control panel as well, because there are so many and it’s user friendly too. Yes, Cuisinart Coffee Maker On Demand was made just for you and I know you will be a well deserving, 100 percent satisfied customer once you do purchase it:) Enjoy!


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