Will Coffee Dehydrate You?

A lot of people enjoy a good cup of coffee now and then. Many people swear by it. However, there is much more to coffee than just drinking a good beverage. It can be beneficial to your health, but unfortunately, it also has its downsides. There are multiple debates concerning how coffee can affect the body. One of these disputed points is whether coffee can cause dehydration. In this article, I intend to examine the debate of this point and conclude.

Will Coffee Dehydrate You?

The short answer is no. Coffee will not dehydrate you. The caffeine in coffee will not dehydrate you either. However, the caffeine can indirectly cause dehydration

Why Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

Everyone knows that coffee holds caffeine. It is usually the reason it is the drink of choice. But how does coffee dehydrate you? It is usually sought after for its ability to stimulate the mind and the general wake-up effect. It can also improve your mood, which is why many people enjoy a caffeinated beverage first thing in the day. Coffee gives them the boost they need to perform their morning routine and get ready for their day. Unfortunately, there is a downside to caffeine. Although it does not directly cause dehydration, it does affect the body, causing it to have diuretic effects. Diuretic substances cause the body to produce more urine than usual. This can lead to changes in your hydration levels.

The various kinds of coffee and their caffeine content

Despite coffee being the primary go-to drink for caffeine, several types of coffee can have different amounts of caffeine in their mix. The less caffeine your intake, the less its effects will affect you. This includes both good and adverse effects, so keep that in mind when selecting your preferred coffee. Here are some kinds of coffee and the amount of caffeine they contain per 8 fluid ounces:

  • Decaf coffee contains 3 mg of caffeine
  • Brewed coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine
  • Instant coffee contains 90 mg of caffeine
  • Cold brew coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine
  • Espresso coffee contains 408 mg of caffeine
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As you can see the best coffee to avoid the diuretic effect is decaf and the worst offender on this list is Espresso. Although this is the case and can be viewed as a positive, decaf coffee will also have fewer stimulating effects on your body. My advice is to have a variety of coffee beverages so that you can choose the right one for you at the time. If you want to avoid having to use the bathroom after drinking then I would suggest decaf but if you want the pick-me-up from caffeine, I would suggest a brewed coffee or espresso.

Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

Will coffee dehydrate you? No. Will caffeine dehydrate you? No. Can the effects of caffeine lead to dehydration? Yes, but while coffee is often the drink of choice to ingest caffeine, it is not the only source of caffeine you can find. Despite caffeine being a diuretic, it can take a large amount of it to affect you, but everybody is different and can be affected differently by caffeine. Some people claim they do not even feel the beneficial effects coffee can bring while others claim they cannot get out of bed without a cup. Overall, you should listen to your body and respond accordingly. If there is any doubt or confusion, you should never hesitate to ask your doctor for their advice.

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