Why Is My Nespresso Blinking Orange Light? [Complete Guide]

Nespresso machines are easy to use and brings convenience to making good quality espresso at the comforts of your home. Although the Nespresso machine is designed to be easy to use, there are times when it starts acting up. One common scenario you will encounter is the Nespresso blinking orange light. In this post, we like to cover all the scenarios which the Nespresso shows the orange light whether it is blinking or just lit up.


Why is Nespresso blinking orange lights?

Nespresso blinking orange lights is either signaling user to do something important on the machine (E.g descaling is required) or some function is ongoing (e.g descaling has started). However, for the same alert, it is shown differently in different Nespresso models. For example, descaling alert is represented by the cappuccino button shining orange in Lattissima Plus while in Nespresso One, this is represented by the descaling alert LED blinking orange instead.

Meaning of Nespresso Orange lights

The nespresso machine blinking orange could mean different things in different Nespresso models. Hence, please refer to the specific model to troubleshoot the flashing orange lights.

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Nespresso VertuoPlus

Why is Nespresso VertuoPlus orange light blinking continuously?

This means that this machine is in selection mode for user to select a special function or the special function that user selected is now running. This function could be descaling the Nespresso machine, cleaning of the milk system, emptying the system mode or resetting the factory settings.

Why Nespresso VertuoPlus half red and half orange light?

When the Nespresso has red light flashing twice and goes back to orange blinking. It means a special function is now running and the machine head is required to be opened to eject the capsule. After that is done, restart the function again by pressing the same button. If the special function is to empty the system, the half red and half orange lights would mean that the water tank has to be removed.

Why is VertuoPlus red light flashing twice and goes back to steady orange?

This means that the special function menu is activated and user can choose the special function required by pressing down the lever.

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Nespresso Vertuo Next

Why is Nespresso Vertuo Next blinking orange light twice per second?

When the Nespresso vertuo blinks orange light 2 times quickly and coffee flows normally, it means that the Nespresso machine is functioning properly.

Why Nespresso Vertuo orange light blinks three times per second?

When the Nespresso Vertuo Next won’t stop blinking orange, this means the the machine is either undergoing a descaling function or emptying function. When this function is executing, only water will be flowing out. If you have not intended to execute the descaling/cleaning/emptying function, push on the button to halt the machine. If the nespresso machine continue to blink, hold on the button for 7 seconds to exit descaling. If this problem still persists, call Nespresso hotline for assistance.

Why Nespresso Vertuo Orange light pulsing down, then stop and stay on again?

This happens when the machine is cooling down after overheating. To troubleshoot this orange light issue, push and hold on the button for 3 second to turn off the machine. Then push the button one more time to turn on the machine. Then wait for 20 minutes for the machine to cool down. If the machine does not shut down, hold on the button for 7 seconds to exit the descaling mode. When the machine is running again, insert the fresh capsule and lock the handle, fill up the water tank, then press the button to start brewing again.

Why is Nespresso Vertuo Next flashing orange light rapidly for 2 times and then pause continuously?

When this happens, the machine will stop running. If you are in the midst of preparing coffee, unlock the handle to open the head. Inspect that the capsule is undamaged and is inserted correctly. Then move the handle to the “LOCKED” position. Also check that the water tank has been filled.

If this happens during the special function – descaling, cleaning or emptying, check that the capsule has been ejected and the handle is moved to the “LOCKED” position.

See also  [Guide] How To Get Nespresso Out Of Descaling Mode

If this happens during the programming of the volume, check that the capsule is inserted correctly.

If this problem is not fixed, unlock the handle to open the machine head. Then replace with a new capsule. Then unplug the power cord and plug back after 10 seconds. Then close the machine head and turn on the machine and then hit the button again to start coffee brewing. If this still doesn’t solve the issue, call Nespresso hotline for help.

Related: How to descale Nespresso Vertuo

Why Nespresso Vertuo Orange button flash for 1.5 second, then stop for 0.5 second?

This means the water tank is empty. When this happens, the machine doesn’t start and light blinks and pause alternately. To fix this, fill up the water tank and press the button to start again. Also check that the handle has been locked properly.

Why Nespresso Vertuo Orange light blinking 5 times in 10 seconds?

This means that it is resetting to the default factory settings. Refer to this guide to find out details on how to reset Nespresso vertuo.

Why Nespresso Vertuo blinking orange and white light alternately 3 times and then steady on?

This means that the machine needs to undergo descaling. When you have such an alert, you can still continue to use the machine for a few more times before the machine cannot be used until descaling is done.

Related: Nespresso Vertuo Next Troubleshooting issues

Lattissima One

Why is Lattissima One blinking orange light for the descaling button?

When the descaling alert is blinking orange, it means it is time to descale the Lattissima One . Descaling is important to prevent the build up of lime in the machine. If it is not removed, the coffee taste may be affected. And it may also affect the lifespan of the machine.

Related: How to descale nespresso machines

Why is Lattissima One flashing orange light and then white light on espresso button?

This means that Nespresso Lattissima One is now in descaling mode. The user just need to press the “espresso” button to begin the descaling process.

Why Lattissima One flashing orange for clean alert?

This means that the milk system requires cleaning. Dismantle the Rapid Cappuccino system. Then clean the components using the upper side of a dishwasher. You can also choose to wash the components by hand.

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Why Nespresso Lattissima One orange light stay on?

When the clean alert orange light stays on, it means that the milk dispensing system is disabled as no cleaning has been done on the milk system for more than 5 rounds of use. User has to clean the milk system before the rapid cappuccino system can run again.

Lattissima Touch

Why is Lattissima Touch blinking orange light?

When the descaling alert is blinking orange, it means it is time to descale the Lattissima Plus. Descaling is important to prevent the build up of lime in the machine. If it is not removed, the coffee taste may be affected. And it may also affect the lifespan of the machine.

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Why Lattissima Touch descaling alert blinks orange after descaling?

When you have the descaling alert flashing orange and the beverage button enabled after descaling, this is considered as a level 2 descaling alert. This means that the descaling has not been done correctly. And the machine is signaling to user to descale the machine again.

Why Lattissima Touch descaling alert shines orange and beverage button no longer available?

This is level 3 descaling alert. The machine is now blocked as the scale level buildup is too high. User has to perform descaling before the machine can be unlocked for brewing again.

Why Lattissima Touch descaling alert blinks orange with steady light on “warm milk froth” button?

This means that Lattissima Touch is now in descaling mode. And user can start to perform descaling on the Nespresso machine by pressing the warm milk button.

Why Lattissima Touch clean alert is flashing orange?

This means that the milk system requires cleaning. Dismantle the Rapid Cappuccino system. Then clean the components using the upper side of a dishwasher. You can also choose to wash the components by hand.

Why Lattissima Touch descaling alert shines orange and beverage button no longer available?

This is level 3 descaling alert. The machine is now blocked as the scale level buildup is too high. User has to perform descaling before the machine can be unlocked for brewing again.

Lattissima Gran

Why is Gran Lattissima shining orange lights on the descaling alert?

This means that Gran Lattissima requires to perform a descaling cycle.

Why is Gran Lattissima descaling light blinking orange with steady light on flat white button?

This means that Gran Lattissima is now in descaling mode. And the user just need to press the flat white button that is now enabled and this will begin the descaling process on the Nespresso machine.

Why Lattissima Gran clean alert is flashing orange?

This means that the milk system requires cleaning. Dismantle the Rapid Cappuccino system. Then clean the components using the upper side of a dishwasher. You can also choose to wash the components by hand.

Lattissima Plus

Why is Lattissima Plus flashing orange light for the cappuccino button?

When the cappuccino button is shining orange, it means it is time to descale the Lattissima Plus. Descaling is important to prevent the build up of lime in the machine. If it is not removed, the coffee taste may be affected. And it may also affect the lifespan of the machine.

Why Lattissima Plus cappuccino button blinks orange light?

This means that Lattissima Plus is now in descaling mode.

Nespresso Maestria/Gran Maestria

Why is there a steady middle orange light on Nespresso Maestria/Gran Maestria?

The steady middle orange light on the nespresso machine means it is time for descaling.

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