Keurig K-Select Review [10 Reasons to get this Coffee Maker!]

Keurig’s range of coffee makers is quite a rage. And so is the Keurig K-Select, the brand’s recent offering. The Keurig K-Select is one of the best blends of classy looks and delicious taste. It’s sleek and stylish and is designed to brew high-quality coffees. The single serve coffee maker is simple and easy to use with an absolute minimal interface. Also, it’s got some really interesting features that make it a total catch. Want to know more? Stay with us in this Keurig K-Select review.




Keurig K-Select review: Who is it for?

The Keurig K-Select doesn’t boast of all those hi-tech complex features. It’s a coffee maker for people who like their coffee simple and delicious. Setting up, using, and cleaning this machine is a breeze. And, you get the authentic Keurig quality coffee almost instantly in 4 different size options. So the Keurig K-Select keeps the fancy features at bay focusing more on quality and usability.



10 Reasons why Keurig K-Select is an amazing coffee maker?

How do you decide whether a coffee maker is exactly what you want? It’s mostly about the brew quality and convenience. The Keurig K-Select works wonder on those fronts. Here are some of the incredible features of this popular coffee machine.


Keurig K-Select Review

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1. Instant and amazing brews

The very first thing you look for in a coffee machine is the quality of its brew. The Keurig K-Select delivers well on that front. Like most of the current Keurig machines, it’s pretty consistent with the ability to brew a delicious cup. And it makes sure your coffee is ready in less than a minute.

2. Variable cup sizes

Like playing around with your cup sizes? The Keurig K-Select coffee maker lets you have the liberty to choose your brew size. You can choose your custom brew size from 6, 8, 10, and 12 ounces cups.

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3. Strong Brew mode

Don’t you just crave for a really strong coffee at times? With the Keurig K-Select, you can switch between a normal cup and a bold brew at a button’s push. The control panel has a dedicated Strong button to add up a bit of punch to your brew.

Kselect can hold up to 52 ounces of water
4. Generous water reservoir

Nobody likes to refill the reservoir for every cup of coffee. This Keurig machine completely understands this concern. So it’s got a water reservoir with a capacity of a whopping 52 ounce. This means you can brew up to 5 single cups before needing to refill the reservoir. Also, the reservoir is completely removable for an easy refill.

If you simply don’t want to refill, check out how to fit your Keurig with directly to the water supply here.

5. Removable drip tray

Owing to the popularity and convenience of removable drip trays, most Keurig machines make it a point to feature it. The Keurig K-Select doesn’t miss this handy feature as well. The drip tray in the machine can be completely isolated for easy cleaning. Also, it allows you to fit in your travel mugs up to 7.4″ tall.

K Select User interface6. Simple and handy user interface

The user interface on the Keurig K-Select is all simple and smooth. On top of the control panel sits a prominent power button. You also get buttons for each of the brew sizes. Then there’s a Strong button that adds a serious punch to your coffee. Right below the power button, it’s got Auto Shutoff, Add Water, and Descale indicators.

7. Programmable auto shutoff

Leaving your machine on is always a big concern. The auto shutoff feature comes in really handy in such situations. The auto shutoff indicator illuminates by default when the machine is turned on. It turns the machine off when it’s been idle for 2 hours. You can also program the auto shutoff feature the way you like.

8. Add water alert

Another convenience with the Keurig K-Select comes in the form of add water indicator. Whenever the machine lacks water for your next brew, the indicator turns on. Refill the reservoir and the indicator turns off immediately.

See also  (GUIDE) Where To Buy Filters For Keurig?

9. Maintenance reminder

Descaling is important to keep the quality of your brew consistent. The coffee maker doesn’t keep you guessing about when to descale it. The descale indicator lightens up to alert you that it’s time to descale.

10. Several color variants

And finally, some of us are really particular about how our coffee machine looks. The Keurig K-Select gives you several color variants to choose from. You’ve got Navy, Matte White, Matte Black, and Vintage Red for your color options. Every color has its own charm.


K-select red variant

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 Drawbacks of the Keurig K-Select

One feature of the Keurig K-Select that can trouble a few coffee enthusiasts is its size. The machine is quite similar to other Keurig machines when it comes to the shape and looks.

However, it’s a bit larger. The coffee maker takes up 9.2” x 11.6” space on your countertop. Also, you need at least a 12.5” of height clearance to fit it under a cabinet. So in case, you’ve got limited space in your kitchen counter, the machine comes around as a bit larger.

See Also:

Best Keurig Coffee Maker Reviews



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1. Strong mode for bolder coffees
2. Removable 52 ounces water reservoir
3. Brews a single cup in less than a minute
4. Four color options to choose from
5. Simple and easy user interface


1. Gets a bit loud while brewing
2. Large footprint

Keurig K-Select vs K-Elite

Keurig K-Select and Keurig K-Elite are quite similar in more than one way. However, the slight differences that they have may change your inclinations as well. To start with, the K-Elite allows you to get iced settings for quality iced drinks. 

The K-Elite also widens your size options by including the 4 ounce options as well. Also, the K-Elite features temperature control options to let you be the boss of your coffee. Talking about the water reservoir, the K-Elite’s 75 ounces water tank capacity is much more when compared to K-Select’s 52 ounce. So the K-Elite can brew 8 cups in a single filling while K-Select is limited to 5.

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The Keurig K-Elite is a fully programmable coffee maker. It can be programmed to start and stop at a certain time. This isn’t the case with the K-Select.

All in all, the K-Elite can be said to be an advanced version of the K-Select.

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What type of pods you can use with the Keurig K-Select?

When it comes to the pods, Keurig K-Select is quite generous with its options. The coffee maker works just fine with all kinds of K-Cups. It’s compatible with all Keurig branded and non-branded K-Cups.

Want more options? You can also use My K-Cup reusable filter with the Keurig K-Select. And that lets you use your own ground coffee.

However, this coffee machine isn’t compatible with K-Carafe Pods, K-Mugs, Verismo Pods, Vue Cups, Nespresso, and CBTL Pods.



 Should you buy the Keurig K-Select?

As we said, Keurig K-Select is your thing if you need a simple-to-operate machine with quality brews. That’s what it is. The coffee maker isn’t much into fancy and dramatic features. It focuses more on the quality of its coffee and handy features that are handy. It’s as easy-to-use as it gets and brews you a cup in less than a minute. Isn’t that exactly what you want from your coffee maker? Hope this Keurig K-Select review has been useful to you. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to