Best Low Acid Coffee K-Cups : Don’t Let Heartburn Kill Your Caffeine Buzz!

Low Acid coffee K-cupsIf you have considered forgoing your caffeine craving because the acidity of coffee irritates your stomach, you are not alone. Many people with digestive issues report that coffee exacerbates their condition. Another potential consequence of drinking coffee with a high acid level is the toll it can take on your teeth. According to dentists, 5 is the pH level at which tooth enamel begins to soften and break down; incidentally also the pH level of your average cup of black coffee. These concerns need not deter coffee lovers, however. Many coffee companies have begun to offer lower acid varieties. Here we have ranked the best low acid K-Cups, so that those worried about the acidity of coffee can still get their caffeine fix.

Tips for Getting Low Acid Coffee K Cups

Finding the best low acid K-Cup could simply mean seeking out those brands that specifically label a roast as “low acid.” But oftentimes, some dark roast K-Cups are naturally low acid. Roasting beans longer to achieve a darker flavor actually cuts down on some of the coffee beans’ natural acidity. Your search for the best low-acid K-Cups out there needn’t be difficult. We’ve gathered together some of our favorites.

Best Low Acid Coffee K Cups

Trücup Low Acid Coffee K Cup 

Trücup Low Acid Coffee K Cup

Trücup Low Acid Coffee K Cup

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trücup landed on our list of the best low-acid K-cups because it was definitely one of smoothest we tried. Heart of Bold Medium Dark Roast has a rich flavor without any bitterness. If you like a cup of coffee able to stand up to a bit of cream without going too weak, this will definitely be your go-to.

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A common issue with many brands of low acid K-Cups is consumers reporting a chemical taste and smell due to the processes used to create a less acidic coffee bean. trücup’s Heart of Bold has none of that, just a great coffee flavor. The only drawback for us was that these K-Cups weren’t as affordable as others on the list.

Healthwise Low Acid Decaf Coffee K Cup

HealthWise Low Acid Decaf Coffee K Cup

HealthWise Low Acid Decaf Coffee K Cup

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This is one of the best low-acid K-Cups based on value. The quality of Healthwise Low Acid Coffee remains high while the price stayed significantly under the other top picks. This coffee has a much lighter flavor than many other low acid choices that tend to be dark to medium roast.

So if you like a light roast K Cup, but can’t handle the acidity, Healthwise may help you to enjoy coffee again, without any of the drawbacks. Even coffee-lovers who suffered the most uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects from traditional coffees reported no ills after having a cup of Healthwise Low Acid.

Cafe Don Pedro Hazelnut Cream Low Acid

Cafe Don Pedro Hazelnut Cream Low Acid K CupCheck It Out

Those seeking something a little sweeter will enjoy Cafe Don Pedro Hazelnut Cream Low Acid. A medium roast with a smooth hazelnut finish, Cafe Don Pedro allows you to have a cup that is both low acid and flavorful.

 This coffee is excellent, however, some reviewers of this product claim that they have had issues with the K-Cup malfunctioning and spilling grounds into their Keurig. We didn’t have that issue with any of the K-Cups we tried, though.

SF Bay Coffee French Roast

SF Bay Coffee French Roast Dark Roast Compostable Coffee PodsCheck It Out

Although this coffee is not branded as a low acid variety, SF Bay Coffee French Roast has significantly less acidity than many other coffees on the market. SF Bay Coffee crafts K-Cups that are compostable at a commercial composting facility.

This allows those concerned with the amount of plastic waste they create to enjoy their convenient K-Cup coffee with a little more peace of mind. SF Bay Coffee French Roast has a distinct smokey and hearty flavor. and was one of the darkest roasts on our list.

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GENUINE Low Acid Coffee

GENUINE Low Acid CoffeeCheck It Out

Not only does this coffee have low acidity to help with gastrointestinal upset, Genuine Healthy Weight Coffee also claims to be loaded with probiotics to help support healthy digestion. We can’t speak to the truth of this, however the light cinnamon flavor and low acidity of this coffee impressed us.

Genuine claims that their process of stone grinding coffee beans helps them achieve a more low acid brew. In addition to the coffee beans, Healthy Weight Coffee also includes some supplements to aid in weight management and loss.

Tyler’s Coffee Acid Free Decaf K Cup

Tyler's Coffee Acid Free K-cup Decaf

Tyler’s Coffee Acid Free K-cup Decaf

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Tyler’s Coffee is the only decaf coffee to make our list, but for good reason. This company stakes the claim to world’s first and only acid-free coffee. The flavor is really good, but it is not an especially strong coffee.

Those who like a medium roast would be pleased with Tyler’s Coffee. The company uses what it refers to as a “Z-Roasting” process to effectively eliminate all of the acid from the coffee beans. Additionally, Tyler’s Coffee uses only USDA organic ingredients to craft their coffees.

Mitalena Variety Pack Low Acid Organic Gourmet Coffee 

Mitalena Variety Pack Low Acid Organic Gourmet Coffee K Cup

Mitalena Variety Pack Low Acid Organic Gourmet Coffee K Cup

Check It Out

Another best low acid K-Cup is Mitalena’s Low Acid Gourmet Coffee. This company also ensures that all of their coffees are USDA certified organic. Sometimes finding low-acid varieties of all the flavored coffees you enjoy can be a challenge. Mitalena offers a large selection of different flavor offerings — all with low acid! Our favorite out of the K cup variety pack was the Golden Pecan flavor which had an incredible sweet richness.

Puroast Low Acid Coffee House Blend

Puroast Low Acid CoffeeCheck It Out

Puroast states that they have had their coffee’s acid content tested against other conventional coffees. Their findings show that Puroast coffee has 70% less acid than most other brands.

See also  Best Dark Roast K Cup Coffee [11 Brands NOT to be MISSED]

In addition, their low acid K-Cups actually have higher than average antioxidant levels. All these claims aside, the coffee is a solid choice for someone who doesn’t prefer an especially dark brew. The flavor was clean and decidedly low acid.

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Which is the Best Low Acid Coffee K-Cup?

Between heartburn, stomach ulcers, and concern about your smile there are plenty of reasons to consider selecting a low acid coffee. Whatever reason you might choose to go low acid on your next cup, we hope you can find a taste you enjoy among our picks for best low-acid K-Cups. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to