Keurig With Water Line [Check out the DIY method too!]

Keurig coffee makers have long been in news. Obviously, for good things. They’ve been luring the coffee lovers around the world with their tastes and features. And now they also provide water line options in some of their models. That’s like a pair made in heaven. A Keurig with  water line is probably the best thing you can ever buy.  Now there’s no more chore of refilling the water tank in the early morning!



Ways to get a Keurig with Water Line

Want a Keurig coffee maker with a water line?

You’ve got a couple of ways to achieve that. Your first option is simple. Get yourself the Keurig K150P which includes a pre-assembled water line connection.

In case you already own or like other Keurig models, there’s an alternate solution. Buy a PureWater Filters’ kit and go DIY with it. Let’s weigh your options and decide what’s the better thing to do.

1. Get a 150P: A commercial Keurig with Water Line

The K150P is  a commercial Keurig with water line connection. And with its Quiet Brew Technology, it works silently but creates brilliant results. That makes it an ideal machine for offices and shops. And of course, if you’re a frequent coffee drinker, there’s no reason you shouldn’t get it for your home. It can save you the efforts of constant refills.

This commercial Keurig K150P is as versatile as a coffee maker gets. In fact, it can brew you many kind of beverages thanks to over 400 options available in the Keurig K-Cup ecosystem. It features an innovative brew technology and unique pod selection which sets it apart from its peers. Also, it’s designed to serve for years and tastes as good as any Keurig. Let’s get to know the key features of the Keurig K150P.

See also  (GUIDE) How To Use Keurig Single Cup Coffee Maker?


K150P - The Keurig with water line - no more refilling of water tank

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Can be connected directly to the water line

The Keurig K150P is the only coffee maker that’s preassembled with a direct water line connection. So you can keep brewing without the hassle of refilling the reservoir.

Various Cup Size Options

With the Keurig K150P, you get more freedom to choose your cup size. It can brew you 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 oz cups as per your needs. That’s how you brew the exact amount that you need.

Quiet Brewing

The Keurig K150P features an innovative Quiet Brew Technology. It makes it an ideal machine for offices or other places where you want to avoid much noise. It brews silently but effectively.

Related: Best Commercial Grade Keurig Machines

Auto On/Off

This Keurig machine also features automatic and programmable on/off. It turns itself off after a certain time of inactivity. You can even program when it’s on/off.

Interactive touchscreen

It’s got a classic touch interface to control various functions. Here you can choose your brew temperature, preferred language (English, Spanish, or French), and program your machine.

Removable drip tray

You can remove the drip tray for easy cleaning. Also, it allows fitting a travel mug with the coffee maker. So your long distance friends can fit their travel mug when they stay over at your home.



  • Can be plumbed to a direct water line
  • Brews several beverages
  • Quiet Brew Technology
  • Interactive touchscreen
  • Programmable on/off


  • Expensive
  • Plastic-like smell


2. DIY Method with PureWater Filters

If the Keurig K150P isn’t your thing, don’t worry. That’s not the only option to have a Keurig with a water line.

You can still get most of the Keurig coffee makers connected to a water line.  The PureWater Filter DIY kit is designed to help you.

With the help of PureWater Filter DIY kit, you can easily connect your Keurig coffee maker with your water source at home. It gets a perfect fit with your sink faucets, refrigerators, or even ice makers. And then, you can easily connect it to a hole drilled on your brewer’s reservoir.

See also  (GUIDE) Why Is My Keurig Leaking Water From Bottom?

The kit works with almost every non-commercial Keurig model. This includes K-Elite, K-Select, K-Classic, K-Café!


Let’s get to know the key features of this DIY water refill kit.


Easy and quick to install

Installation of this DIY kit is a breeze. You just have to follow the easy instructions and graphics to get going. You also have free telephone support for help. That means you don’t need a plumber to set it up.

No manual filling

Once installed, the DIY kit refills your Keurig which wasn’t designed with a water line. So it eliminates the need for manual refills with your Keurig. Isn’t that just great?

Healthier water

Your coffee is mostly water. Hence, the quality of your water directly impacts your coffee. Unhealthy and bad tasting water leads to a similar coffee. But with PureWater Filters’ DIY kit, you can be sure of your water. It removes bad taste, odors, chlorine, lead, and heavy metals from the water.

Compatible with all Keurig non-commercial models

The DIY kit is compatible with any and every non-commercial Keurig model. It hence can turn even a Keurig without a water line into a Keurig with one. So you don’t have to replace your coffee maker just to get this one benefit of water line.

Lifetime warranty

The PureWater Filters offers a lifetime free replacement warranty for defective parts. This keeps you well secured with this buy.


Filtered Water Refill Do-It-Yourself Kit, For Non-Commercial Keurig Coffee Brewers by PureWater Filters

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  • Works with all non-commercial Keurigs
  • Filters the water pure
  • Installs easily and quickly
  • Works with existing reservoir
  • Free replacement warranty


  • Expensive


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Common problems with water lines

A water line in coffee maker has more benefits than problems. Still, the problems are worth mentioning. One major issue with the water line is its plumbing. Now that’s not a simple task and mistakes, if any, can damage the machine or its filter. You may just need to hire a plumber or do proper research.

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Another major issue with the water line is that it’s hard to find the right setup. Not every setup would fit your machine and many users just can’t find the right ones.

Lastly, a plumbed coffee maker also cuts down your placement choices. You can’t keep it wherever you want. It needs to be within the reach of its plumbing line and power socket.


Maintenance of a coffee maker with a water line

Yes, a coffee maker with a water line is continuously being washed.

But its maintenance is still important. The water we use may include several minerals causing mineral buildups in our machines with time. This can have adverse effects on our machine.

To avoid the above situation, regular descaling of your coffee machine is recommended. You can use vinegar or a descaler for the purpose. However, descaler is a far better choice considering it also gets rid of coffee oil buildups.

Should I buy the Keurig K150P or do it myself?

Both the above methods would work just fine for you. So in case, you’re yet to buy a Keurig, weigh your options well before making a pick. If the Keurig K150P has everything that you want and need, you should simply go for it.

There can even be a situation where you’re already smitten by some other Keurig model. Or maybe you own a Keurig and now you want it to connect to a water line. In such cases, buying the PureWater Filters’ DIY kit would be the best solution to having a Keurig with water line. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to