Review : Keurig Slim vs Mini Plus [5 Key Differences]

A fresh cup of brewed coffee at home is a luxury not everyone can have, especially if you have a tiny kitchen space where other appliances are already taking up space. This is why the Keurig K-Slim and Keurig Mini Plus are heaven-sent for anyone with limited space in their countertop.

Keurig Slim vs Mini Plus: Key Similarities Between The Products

Keurig K-Slim Coffee Maker

Keurig K-Slim Coffee Maker

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Keurig K-Mini Plus Single Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Brewer

Keurig K-Mini Plus Single Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Brewer

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1 Single Serve

Most coffee makers fill an entire pot. But, if you live alone or with just one other person at home, a whole pot will only lead to wasted coffee, and it is clearly not what you need. If you’re like me who lives on her own, these two Keurig coffee makers are just perfect. One serve is just enough for me to jumpstart my day, whether it’s an 8 oz. or a 12 oz. cup.

2 Energy Saver Auto-Off

I prepare my coffee every morning, and sometimes in the evening. So this means that, yes, making sure my coffee maker is turned off can oftentimes be the last thing on my mind. It’s great to know that these two coffee makers have an energy-saver auto-off feature where they automatically shut off when they’re not in use after a few minutes. Oh, by the way, the K-Mini Plus shuts off after 90 seconds of being idle; whereas the K-Slim shuts off after 5 minutes of not being used.

3 Travel-Mug Friendly

Both of these coffee makers have drip trays that can be removed. When you take them off, you can fit a 7″ travel mug or tumbler on the coffee maker, giving you unmatched convenience. Sometimes, I bring a travel mug with me to the park, or when I go to work, or when I travel. It’s good to know that I don’t have to transfer my coffee from a mug to the tumbler and just pop it in there in a jiff.

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4 Removable Drip Trays

And since we’re already talking about the drip trays, both of these coffee makers have removable drip trays that are easy to clean. For anyone who doesn’t like coffee drips on their countertops, the drip trays can hold about a whole cup of coffee so you won’t have to worry about making a mess.

5 Compatible with Either Pods or Grounds

These coffee makers can brew coffee grounds or pods. Pods are pre-measured and pre-ground portions placed in capsules. They come in a variety of coffee bean types and flavors, so they’re perfect for anyone who wants to have a lot of variety in their coffee. Both coffee makers are compatible with the My K-Cup Universal Reusable Coffee Filter if you’ll use coffee grounds, and they’re also compatible with K-Cup pods, which you can buy separately.

6 Compact Size

Both coffee makers are slim and take very little space. You can easily slide them in a corner since they’re incredibly compact. The K-Slim is about 5″ wide while the K-Mini Plus is slightly slimmer at 4.5.” They’re also rectangular in shape and has a vertical look, which is perfect for tiny kitchens, or for anyone who doesn’t want so many things on their countertop.



Keurig Slim vs Mini Plus: Key Differences

1 Water Reservoir

The K-Slim features a 46 oz. water capacity while the K-Mini Plus is refilled each time you brew coffee. Again, if you live alone, like me, both of these coffee makers are great. But if you live with other people, such as a spouse or roommates, then the K-Slim would be a better option for you.

The K-Slim can hold enough water for about 3 servings, which range from 8 to 12 oz. of coffee. Since the serving is for only one cup of coffee, you can have the option of serving different flavors of coffee if you have guests without having to refill the reservoir, making it a convenient option.

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2 Pod and Cord Storage

For some reason, the K-Mini Plus comes with separate pod storage where you can store about 10 pods inside, whereas the K-Slim doesn’t have one. The K-Mini Plus also has a cord storage where you can fold the wire and place it inside, allowing you to keep it looking tidy on your countertop.

3 K-Slim Indicator Lights

The K-Slim features indicator lights on the top of the coffee maker that tells you the water needs to be refilled. Since it does have a larger water capacity, this feature is quite useful if you don’t keep track of your water level. The K-Mini Plus doesn’t have any indicator lights.

4 K-Mini Plus Strong Button Feature

There are times when I want to have a strong and bold cup of coffee, and the K-Mini Plus definitely delivers. The K-Slim doesn’t have this feature, unfortunately.

5 K-Mini Plus Comes in Other Colors

The K-Slim only comes in black while the K-Mini Plus features other colors. If you don’t like the color of black or if you prefer something less industrial looking, then the K-Mini Plus offers you varied color options vs the K-Slim coffee maker.

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REVIEW: Keurig Slim or K Mini Plus?

Both coffee makers are designed to bring deliciously fresh and brewed coffee in a slim, compact, and efficient method. While both may look alike, and both may serve similar purposes, I choose the K-Mini Plus coffee maker.

I love the fact that it’s a tad slimmer, and that it has a cord storage to keep my countertop looking tidy. I hate wires that are all over the place so I love that feature. I also love the fact that the K-Mini Plus has a Strong button feature for days when I desperately need a stronger kick of caffeine.

I think that one is not better than the other. The decision for anyone to choose between the two would have to depend on whether you live alone or if you live with other people in your home.

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Overall, both coffee makers are great but for my needs and my preferences as someone who lives alone, and needs a strongly brewed coffee every now and then, the K-Mini Plus definitely fits the bill for me.

Keurig K-Mini Plus Single Serve K-Cup Pod Coffee Brewer

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