K Carafe Pods [+SAVE $ with Reusable Filters!]

The Keurig K-pod has been around for many years. However, with the recent upgrade to Keurig 2.0 technology, Keurig has come up with a new line of Keurig 2.0 Brewers.  With this development, Keurig introduce 2 new types of pods, the K-Mug and the K-Carafe pods, to cater to those who wish to have a large cup sizes.

Why is there a need for such Large Keurig Carafe Pods?

Making coffee with the standard K-cup has been a convenient affair. However, there was a need in the market to combine the convenience of using pods with making more coffee at a time. The market wanted Keurig large pods! Hence, the K-Carafe pods was introduced.

This Keurig Carafe capsules can make you 30 ounces of coffee at a time. That’s enough for a family of 4 coffee lovers.


How to differentiate Keurig K Carafe Pods from other Keurig Pods?

The mug icon tells you that this is a K-carafe

The mug icon tells you that this is a K-carafe

The Keurig 2.0 pods will have a icon of a carafe on top of the lid to tell you whether it is a K-cup, a K-Mug or a K-carafe .


Is Keurig Carafe Pods Compatible with Keurig Classic Series Brewers?

No. It is only compatible with the Keurig 2.0 Series brewers such as the Keurig K250 and Keurig K575.

These coffee makers has the Keurig 2.0 brewing technology to read the lid for the K pod inserted to determine If it is a single-serve cup or carafe.

Classic brewers such as K15 Mini, K-select, K-classic, K-elite, K-café will not be able to use them since they do not have this technology

Our favourite K-Carafe Pod Brands

Timothys Breakfast Blend K-Carafe Packs

Timothys Breakfast Blend K-Carafe Packs For Keurig 2.0 Brewers

Timothys Breakfast Blend K-Carafe Packs

Made in USA, Timothy Breakfast combines coffee beans from the Costa Rica and Gauemalan regions. The Costa Rican has the sweet aroma while the Guatemaleng is of Arabican species and has a smoky subtle taste.

See also  7 Strongest K Cup Coffee ( with Most Caffeine )

These beans are lightly roasted to give you an easy-going taste combined. So it’s prefect for a morning caffeine boost. Inside this pack, you get 8 K-carafe pods. And it is also Koshner certified. If you like to taste an easy going taste, check out more here


Keurig 2.0 Newmans Own Special Blend K-carafe Packs

Keurig 2.0 Newmans Own Special Blend K-carafe Pod

Keurig 2.0 Newmans Own Special Blend K-carafe Pod

Made in USA, this pack of 8 K-carafe pods combines coffee beans from Central American and Indonesia. The Central American coffee are medium roasted while the Indonesian coffee beans are darker roasted.

This combination gives you an extra-bold taste which is not easily diluted even if you like to put a lot of creamer in your coffee.

In addition, you will be glad to know that this product has the Fair Trade Certified Organic. This means the ingredients are processed without synthetic inputs. If you want a strong coffee,  you can buy it from amazon


Keurig 2.0 Green Mountain Breakfast Blend Decaf Coffee K-Carafe Packs

Keurig 2.0 Green Mountain Breakfast Blend Decaf Coffee K-Carafe Capsule

Keurig 2.0 Green Mountain Breakfast Blend Decaf Coffee K-Carafe Capsule

Made in USA, Green Mountain Breakfast roasts lightly coffee beans from Central American and Indonesia. So you get the snappy citrous taste from the Central American beans and the sweetness of the Indonesian beans. This coffee is decaffeinated so you can enjoy the coffee without the caffeine! If Decaf coffee is your thing, check out this link


My Favourite Reusable Keurig Carafe Pods

Maybe you do not want to contribute to all those plastic waste. Or perhaps you want to save money. You can do that by getting refillable Keurig Carafe pods. A good option is the Housewares Solutions Reusable Carafe K Cup Filters. These filters are of good grade and have very good water dispersion system.


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