The Breville line has proven time and time again that they offer only the highest quality and best tasting at home espresso machines possible—which is why customers speak so highly of the company and remain devoted to purchasing their products, and also why Breville espresso machines are always highly favored. While any espresso machine that the Breville line offers is sure to offer customers delicious, quick, and convenient espresso beverages, it can still sometimes prove to be difficult to decide which exact machine to go with, given the fact that there are quite a few options to choose from. For those on a hunt for their next exceptional espresso machine, consider either the Breville Infuser or Barista Express—both high quality, durable espresso makers, but also with some distinct differences that are worth discussing and looking into further. Here, we will dissect some of those similarities and differences in this Breville Infuser vs Barista Express review to make the decision of which to purchase a bit easier.
Breville Infuser vs Barista Express : 10 Key Similarities

Breville Barista Express

Breville Infuser
1 Do Not Use Pods or Capsules
Both the Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express use only freshly roasted and ground beans in their machines, which provide a much more flavorful beverage than what you would get by using pods or capsules— as seen used by some other popular coffee and espresso machine brands. Not to mention, those capsules and pods are also usually not recycled properly and can be harmful to the environment, which should be enough for anyone to think twice about using them. The use of freshly roasted and ground espresso beans give the Breville line an edge over competitors for this reason, and is a key reason as to why beverages made from the machines taste so great.
2 Steam Wands
The Infuser and the Barista Express both have steam wands, which are great for frothing and steaming any type of milk preferred to go on top of espresso beverages. These steam wands also make it easy (and fun!) to create latte art, with some popular pieces being of tulips, hearts, and more. The steamed and frothed milk truly take any beverage to the next level, and is a must have for those who make their own drinks daily.
3 Pressure Gauge
Another key commonality seen in both the Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express is that they both include a pressure gauge— which is practically vital for creating the best, most delicious tasting espresso drink. Since so much of why certain espresso tastes better than others hinges solely on how much pressure is used, it is no wonder why having a pressure gauge is so important to the espresso making process. Pressure gauges, such as the ones found in the Infuser and the Barista Express, allow users to adjust the process in order to achieve the desired bars of pressure—and in turn, leads to the perfect tasting drink.
4 Integrated Filter
The Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express both also offer integrated filters, which work to produce clean, filtered water which will be used for brewing the espresso. This also helps mitigate the build-up of limescale, which is a huge bonus.
5 Hot Water Source
Both the Infuser and the Barista Express have hot water outlets, which are super convenient for crafting drinks such as the Americano, which is made by diluting espresso with hot water, and also just for making regular cups of tea.
6 Cleaning Alert
These machines also both have cleaning alerts, which are designed to let users know when it is time to start cleaning their machine. While this could potentially be viewed as an unnecessary feature, it is exceptionally useful because not cleaning the machines regularly can breed a whole host of problems. Plus, additional reminders are always helpful considering how busy we can tend to get in our daily lives.
7 Pre-Infusion Function
The Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express both have what is known as pre-infusion functions, which work to provide a low pressure of water before it arrives at the desired amount of pressure that will be used to make the espresso. Making the espresso in this manner allows the grinds to get a smooth extraction—and makes smooth, delicious, and flavorful espresso.
8 Sleep Mode
Another useful function that the Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express both offer users is that after a certain period of being idle and not being used, the machines will automatically switch to being in “sleep mode”, which is a great way of conserving power overall. Again, with so many people having extremely busy day to day lives, little convenient features like this can really make all the difference.
9 Programmable Features
Both the Infuser and the Barista Express machines have programmable buttons that allow for the users to easily program their favorite types of drink, so that the machine will remember just how the individual likes it and they can get it that way each and every time.
10 Cup Warmer
One last similarity between the Breville Infuser and the Breville Barista Express that is worth noting is that they both have cup warmers, which lets users heat their cups before pulling the espresso—this makes it so that they won’t go cold too quickly, which is hugely convenient. The espresso going cold too quickly also affects the overall taste of the beverage, so it is best to avoid this altogether—and these machines make it easy to do so.
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Breville Infuser vs Barista Express : 4 Key Differences
1 Grinder
Arguably the biggest difference between the Barista Express and the Infuser is that the Barista Express comes with a built-in burr grinder, whereas the Infuser does not come with a grinder at all. The advantages of having a built-in grinder come included with your at home espresso machine are plentiful, including the fact that individuals do not have to go out and buy an additional one to use, and also the burr grinder works amazingly well to get a consistent size of grind each time it is used. This, in turn, leads to smooth, delicious tasting espresso. So, not only are users getting the bonus of the built-in grinder, but they are also getting one that is top of the line in producing exceptional espresso—a truly win-win situation!
Related: Breville Espresso Machines With Grinder
2 Weight
Another difference between the Infuser and Barista Express has to do with the weight. The Infuser is considerably lighter than the Barista Express, which makes the machine a bit more enticing—as we know, lighter appliances make a world of difference when it comes to transporting the machines, and also when it comes to saving counter space. However, the Infuser is also wider than the Barista Express, which also takes up more space.
3 Brewing and Steaming Capabilities
A key advantage that the Breville Barista Express has over the Breville Infuser is that it allows for brewing and steaming to happen simultaneously. This means that it is equipped with a double boiler system, which makes it possible to brew and steam milk at the same time. This is a major bonus when it comes to convenience and saving time, because with single boiler systems, users have to wait between brewing and steaming to allow for the temperature to adjust. With the Barista Express, no wait time is necessary—which is amazing for those who barely have any time to spare as it is!
4 Water Tank
It is also worth noting that the Breville Barista Express has a larger water tank than the Breville Infuser does, which makes it so that users do not have to worry about constantly refilling the tank before enjoying their espresso beverage. However, both the Infuser and the Barista Express have water tanks that are removable, which makes it easy to simply take the water tank off the machine to refill it.
Breville Infuser or Barista Express: The Final Breakdown
As shown throughout this article, the Infuser and the Barista Express have loads in common with one another—they are both truly incredible espresso machines. However, when choosing just one, it is clear that the Barista Express has a slight edge over the Infuser. The Barista Express not only fit more compactly in tight counter space, but it also saves buyers money from having to purchase an additional (and likely costly) grinder to use with the machine. The sheer convenience that the built-in burr grinder seen in the Barista Express offers is truly incredible and virtually unmatched, and is a key reason why it is the superior Breville espresso machine. Not only that, but the burr grinder is among the best used when producing espresso, and is an amazing added feature to the machine in general.
Although buyers cannot really go wrong with purchasing any machine in the entire Breville line, since they are all made to be the best available, in this specific case the better option to go with is the Barista Express. It is likely to last for years and become a staple in your daily routine. The bottom line is: the Barista Express is truly the best it gets when it comes to making your own espresso at home, and you will not regret your purchase with this machine!

Breville Barista Express
Hope this review on the Breville Infuser vs Barista Express has helped you to make a decision to which to buy.