Handbook for Choosing the Best Medium Roast K Cups [3 Tips]

Best Medium Roast K-cupsThere are various K cup products available in the market nowadays. Sometimes choosing which is which can be confusing. This is why knowledge about K cups is important. In this post, I’ll share some tips and review on some of the best medium roast K cups I have tried.

3 Tips for Choosing the Best Medium Roast K Cups

1 Brand

The brand is the most important consideration before buying a medium roast K cup. Different brands are sold globally, each having different tastes and aroma. Don’t be fooled by product labels and descriptions. Instead, put your buying preference on the brand that produces the medium roast K cup. After scouring some sites, excluding the Amazon, the following brands are medium roast K cup giants that are always mentioned.

  • Caribou Coffee
  • Dunkin’Donuts
  • Donut Shop Coffee
  • Laughingman Coffee
  • Starbucks Coffee

If you just look at Amazon, the most reviewed medium roast brands are as follows:

  • Caribou Coffee
  • Seattle’s Best Coffee
  • Greatergoods Coffee
  • Donut Shop Coffee
  • Amazon Fresh
2 Certification

Another technique that you can use is to look for certifications for a particular medium roast K cup product. Why? Because certified ones ensure that their products comply with consumer and environment safety. .Also, certificates give assurance that a particular medium roast K cup product is always consistent with the benefits and pleasures that it gives.

3 Content

Various brands use differing ingredients. This adds to the individuality and character of each medium roast K cups. However, the most popular ones always use high-quality ingredients known globally. For example, K cup giants always use Arabica coffee beans. These coffee beans are known for their rich taste and aroma. When choosing, always pick those which make the most of their ingredients. This, in turn, will allow you to make the most of your drinking experience. Making life’s simple pleasures deliciously simple.

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Medium K-Cup Brands at a Glance: A review of My Personal Favourites

Caribou Medium Roast Coffee

Caribou Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup

Caribou Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup

Check It Out

There are times when I hate to taste bitterness in my mouth when drinking coffee. It’s not that I am not up for it though. After drinking something bitter for quite some time my tongue just wants to take a rest and want to taste something smooth and balanced.

Caribou medium roast coffee has helped me solve this problem. It allowed me to enjoy coffee without any trace of bitterness in my mouth. It’s great if you want to take a break from the bitterness that coffee brings.

Donut Shop Medium Roast K Cup Coffee

Donut Shop Medium Roast K Cup Coffee

Donut Shop Medium Roast K Cup Coffee

Check It Out

As much as I love coffee, I also love eating doughnuts. This is why I have tried various coffee with donuts for years but none works well with it as Donut Shop medium roast coffee does. It has this bitterness that is not too strong that allows the donut to bring the full potential of its flavor with each bite.

 I also love dipping doughnuts in coffee before eating them and I find it very pleasurable that the taste of the coffee made with Donut Shop is not affected by the glaze at all.

Donut Shop Medium Roast Decaf

For those who prefer Decaf K Cups, here’s another good one from Donut Shop.

Original Donut Shop Medium Roast Decaf K Cups

Original Donut Shop Medium Roast Decaf K Cups


Dunkin Donuts Original Blend Medium Roast Coffee

Dunkin Donuts Medium Roast K-Cup

Dunkin Donuts Medium Roast K-Cup

Check It Out

Way back when I was a student at the University, majoring in Political Science, my daily routine starts with mornings at Dunkin Donuts reading study materials before going to school. My studies are usually accompanied by their medium roast coffee.

As of now I barely have time to go to a Dunkin’ Donuts shop, but I still get to enjoy their coffee due to their medium roast K cup. I highly praise Dunkin Donuts for staying consistent with their coffee.

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Its rich but smooth taste has stayed consistent all through the years that passed. The classic bitterness of each drink still brings me back to the days when I was still a student.

Laughingman Medium Roast Coffee

Laughing Man Medium Roast

Check It Out

Laughingman, as the name suggests, has medium roast K cups which lifts up my day. I find drinking this coffee most enjoyable during rainy days, where everything seems down yet peaceful.

Each sip brings a bright and sweet perfectly balanced flavor to my tongue. Similar to how the sun brings brightness and balance to each of my days. When looking for something that lifts up my mood, I always go for laughingman.

Amazon Fresh 80 Colombia Medium Roast Coffee

AmazonFresh Columbia Medium Roast K-Cups

AmazonFresh Columbia Medium Roast K-Cups

Check It Out

There was once when I was not very familiar with Amazon Fresh 80 and never really wanted to try as it didn’t quite appeal to me then. But, when I ran out of Donut Shop medium roast coffee pods and couldn’t get one, I tried Amazon Fresh 80 and found it to be a good alternative.

 I am not saying that this medium roast K cup has copied what Donut Shop medium roast can give. What I mean to say is, Amazon Fresh 80 is as good as any established products out there. It brews well with Keurig. As I am drinking the cup, the Arabica coffee beans bring a distinct aroma that only Amazon Fresh 80 gives.

Its taste is similar to a theatre. The flavor starts with the wonderful performance of bitterness and finishes with a routine of smoothness for the tastebuds.

Green Mountain Medium Roast Coffee

Green Mountain Medium Roast K Cup CoffeeCheck It Out

Green mountain’s efforts for sustainable farming practices made me interested in their products. With innovative farming practices, their ingredients are known to be of top quality. Compared to other brands I find Green Mountain medium roast coffee’s complex flavors wonderful.

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It steers away from being perfectly balanced and capitalizes on it. Each drink for me is sometimes bitter and sometimes smooth. It is a full, hearty, complex coffee that has a taste that I can never predict, making me want for more.

Starbucks Medium Roast Coffee

Starbucks Medium Roast Coffee

Starbucks Medium Roast Coffee

Check It Out

Starbucks has been known to serve delicious coffee for years. This is why their medium roast k cups have always been a thing for me.

Their wonderful mix of various ingredients makes their medium roast coffee unique among others. The flavor is a fusion of nutty, chocolaty, bitter, and smooth experience for the tastebuds.

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Which is the Best Medium Roast K Cup?

As we live, we often choose what’s best for us. This is ultimately true with K cups. Choosing between the best ones and the terrible ones determine whether we spend our day looking glum or looking as bright as the sun. I hope you have found your best medium roast K Cups.



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