There is a lot of discussion that goes on about Nespresso Vertuoline vs Original Line Models. These two models are very popular when it comes to making a great cup of coffee. So the question is to be asked which of these two is better and is there really a difference between these two product lines?
The answer to this question is simply yes there is a difference, the biggest of these differences is the fact that one model brews just espresso drinks whereas the Vertuoline can brew both expresso as well as coffee. So let’s get into the review and see what is the other things that sets these two models in a world of its own.
The Vertuoline is more than just a machine, it is an experience. The best way to look at this is to think of terms of open versus closed source that many tech people know. The models in the Nespresso Original Line is a very open source machine whereas the models under than Vertuoline is very much a closed source machine meaning that the pods that you use with this machine will only work with that one machine.
You will want to make sure that you are aware of the fact that you can expect to pay around 20% more than you would pay at a traditional coffee shop. This is a higher amount as opposed to the Originaline which is in line more with what you would expect to pay at a coffee shop. There is also the fact that you will not be able to buy the pods for the Vertuoline machine except from Nespresso.
This is something that you will want to make sure that you keep in mind when you are looking to buy one of these machines. While the 20% increase may not make that big of a difference once or twice a week, you will need to think about the long term costs that will be from the Vertuoline machine. This will be one of the biggest concerns that a person will want to keep in their mind.
There is a lot of talk about this between the two models. The Nespresso OrginalLine has a lot more options for choices that can be bought from the maker as well as the ever increasing number of third parties (e.g Hiline) that are entering the market. The offerings from the Vertuoline is not as much due to the fact that the manufacturer is the only one that puts out new flavors and they seem to not be really interested in putting more flavors out to the public. The list of places that offer the flavors for the OriginalLine models is growing thanks to more third parties being interested in providing the customer a large selection of flavors.
Recommendations For Nespresso Original Line
If you prefer espresso over coffee and nothing else, checkout the Nespresso Essenza Mini Review. It is compact and elegant. The price tag is also in the affordable range.

Nespresso Essenza Mini espresso Machine by De’Longhi ( By Magimix in UK )
If you prefer cappuccino or latte, check out Nespresso Lattissima Pro. This is best Nespresso machine as it can make you cappuccino or latte automatically. There is no need to froth milk manually. It is fully automatic! In addition, the Lattisma Pro features a large water, milk and used capsule capacities. Check out our Nespresso Lattissima Pro review for more details.

DeLonghi Nespresso Lattissima Pro Espresso Machine
Recommendations for Nespresso VertuoLine
If you like to be able to make both coffee and espresso, check out the Nespresso VertuoPlus Review. Besides good-looking and compact, you can also adjust the position of the water tank.

Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee and Espresso Maker by Breville
Nespresso Vertuoline vs Original Line – Which to choose?
In the end it is simply a matter of how much are you willing to pay for your machine. In addition to how much you are willing to fork over or your machine, you will have to ask yourself are you willing to be with a machine that will be limited in choices in regards to flavors. Both machines have their positive points to look at and as such you will simply need to try both for yourself and see which one is right for you and your exact coffee needs. These are both very well built machines and come from a maker that is known for their quality.
Nespresso Vertuoline or Original Line? It’s your turn to choose.