Nespresso Vertuoline Review [Make Both Coffee & Espresso]

Are you looking for a coffee maker which can make both espresso and coffee? Read the Nespresso Vertuoline Review. This could be the machine you are looking for.


Nespresso Vertuoline Review – Who it is for?


The Nespresso Vertuoline Coffee and Espresso Maker is ideal for those who wish to make both coffee and espresso with a touch of the button.

At the same time, you dislike the mess dealing with coffee powder. You want a coffee maker that involves minimal clean up work.

This ease of making coffee drinks and cleaning up makes the Nespresso Vertuoline ideal not just for home use. It also makes it a suitable coffee maker for the office.

Nespresso Vertuoline Review

Nespresso Vertuoline Coffee and Espresso Maker


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Nespresso Vertuoline Review – Pros


Able to Brew Coffee And Espresso

The Nespresso Vertuoline Coffee and Espresso Maker can make you coffee and espresso. This machine comes with its patented Centrifusion extraction technology which spins the capsule up to a rate of 7000 rotations per minute to blend the ground coffee in the capsule with water to produce the crema for your coffee drink.

Each type of capsule also comes with its own barcode which the machine will read and adjust the brewing parameters accordingly for the capsule used. This enables you to enjoy the best result with just a touch of a button.

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Easy To Use

It is easy to learn the operation of this machine. There is only a button for switching the machine on and off.

To load the capsule, simply unlock the lever and the machine head will open up. Then inject the Nespresso Vertuo capsule into the capsule chamber and close the head and turn the lever to the left. Once you press the power button to start the coffee making, the machine will take over and make your espresso automatically.

You can also choose to manually stop the flow of coffee early by pressing the same power button. If you want more coffee, press that button to start the coffee flow and press again to stop it when you have your desired volume.

To eject the used capsule, unlock the lever and open the head. The used capsule will automatically be ejected into the used capsule container.

Fast Heating Time

Upon switching on the machine, it heats up very quickly in just 15 seconds. Blinking lights indicate the heating up is in progress. When it is done, the lights turn steady.

Ease of Cleaning

The water tank, drip tray and used capsule container are removable and easily accessible from the front and side of the machine for cleaning. The Nespresso Vertuoline also has a cleaning procedure. When activated by user, this procedure will send in the water from the water tank to clean the internal circuit and the water will flow out of the coffee outlet. This procedure will run for 3 cycles and last 5 minutes.

In addition, the machine will give a descaling alert by blinking the lights 3 times when a descaling is needed. The descaling procedure is easy with step-by-step instructions in the user manual.



Large Water Tank

The removable water tank has a capacity of 40 ounces ( 1.2 litres ). This means more cups of coffee per refill.

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Used Capsule Container

The used capsule container can hold up to 13 used capsules. Again, this means more cups of coffee before needing to empty the container.

Adjustable Cup Support

The cup support can either rest on the drip grid or be clipped into a higher position. This allows the use of both small cups and large mugs.

Energy Saving

The Nespresso Vertuoline Coffee and Espresso Maker will turn off automatically after 9 minutes of non-use.

Able to Customize Water Volume

The preset water volume for the two different capsule types – coffee and espresso – can be re-programmed to your preferred volume. Simply load the capsule for the type you want to re-programme. Close the head and lock the lever. Then press and hold until your preferred volume is reached.

If you wish, you can also reset any stored settings back to its default factory settings.

Welcome Pack of 12 Nespresso VertuoLine Capsules

This machine comes with 12 different type of Nespresso VertuoLine capsules. This gives you the opportunity to try the different flavours and find out your preferred flavour.


Related: Best Vertuo Capsule holder

Nespresso Vertuoline Review – Cons


Can Only Use Nespresso Vertuo Capsules

This machine works only with the Nespresso Vertuo capsules. There are only 10 different types for brewed coffee and 4 different types for espresso. Since this machine can’t use the normal Nespresso capsules or other capsule brands, the choices of coffee and espresso taste are limited.

Have to be Careful when Loading Capsule

There are sharp points inside the machine. So you have to be extra careful when you reach your hand inside to place the capsule.

Foamy Crema

Although it produces a lot of crema, the crema is more foamy rather than the rich brown crema of espresso made from an espresso machine.


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Alternative Products


If you want a larger selection of espresso flavours, you can consider Nespresso Citiz which uses the normal Nespresso capsules.


Nespresso Machine Comparison

Nespresso Vertuo Next Vs Plus

Nespresso Vertuoline Review – My Final Opinion


Personally I don’t quite like the crema produced from this machine and the limited choices of espresso flavours.

However, this machine is still a good option for home and office use if your intention is to buy a versatile coffee maker to make both coffee and espresso.

Besides being able to make coffee and espresso, it also give you convenience with its ease of use and ability to make you a coffee drink with a touch of button. In addition, it saves you time with a fast pre-heating time of 15 seconds.

Cleaning it is also easy with the drip tray, water tank and used capsule container removable and accessible from the side and front of the machine. Using coffee capsules also allow you to avoid cleaning up the mess from coffee powder spilling over the counter.

Nespresso Vertuoline Review

Nespresso Vertuoline Coffee and Espresso Maker





Take a look at other Nespresso Vertuoline reviews on Amazon and decide if this is the right machine for you. This espresso maker does not match your requirements? Why not check out other espresso machine reviews at EMP. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to