Keurig K150 vs K155 vs K150P [3 Key Differences]

Keurig K150 vs K155 vs K150p? Doesn’t they look the same? Keurig K150, Keurig K155 OfficePro Premier and K150p are all part of the Keurig K150 Series commercial brewing system. In terms of specifications and look, they are almost the same except for some differences. Keep reading this review to find out the differences.



Keurig K150 vs K155 vs K150p  : Their Similiarities

Full Color Touch Screen

 All 3 models comes with a full colored touch screen.

Multilingual Instructions

The touch screen provides brewing instruction in 3 languages – English, Spain and French.

Fully Programmable

You get to adjust the brew temperature and automatically power on and off settings. This can be done on the Touch screen

Brew Fast

They brew in just under 1 minute.

Commercial UL Listed

This means that the product is able to be used in a food service environment.

Large Water Tank

All 3 models comes with a huge 90 ounces water tank capacity

Removable drip tray

They have a drip tray that you can remove to clean without any problem.

Keurig K150 vs K155 vs K150p 

They share many similarities. However, they are still some differences. Let check it out.

Differences Between Keurig K150 vs K150P

Let check out Keurig K150 vs K150p.

They look exactly the same appearancewise.

There is only 1 difference which can be a convenience factor for some of us.

1 Direct Water Line Plumbing

The difference between Keurig K150 vs K150P is the option of direct water connection. Keurig k150 uses a water tank while k150P has plumbed option. Everything else are the same including their color scheme.

If you need a commercial Keurig with water line. Keurig K150P will be ideal choice.

See also  (GUIDE) How To Clean Keurig Filter?

Differences Between Keurig K150 vs K155

Let’s check out Keurig K150 vs K155.

1 Color Scheme

If you compare K155 with K150 and K150p,  K155 has a different color scheme from its other 2 variants.

2 Brew Cup size

K155 also have 1 lesser brew cup size. While K150 can brew 5 cup sizes – 4, 6,8, 10 and 12 ounces. K155 can’t do the 12 ounces.

3 Water Line

Unlike K150P, K155 doesn’t come with the option to be plumbed directly to the water line

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Keurig K150 vs K155 vs K155P – Which is better?

Anyone of the 3 models make a good choice for both commercial and personal use.

However, if you ask me, I would prefer the Keurig K150P over the other 2 as it can be plumbed directly to the water line. This would really save me a lot of time from refilling the water tank. And refilling a 90 ounces huge water tank can really take some effort!

Keurig K150P Commercial Brewer

Keurig K150P Commercial Brewer

Check It Out

If you don’t need the water line, then Keurig K150 would be a good choice over K155 since it comes with 1 more larger brew size.


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