(GUIDE) How To Disassemble Keurig For Cleaning?

Keurig coffee makers are a popular choice for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the convenience of single-serve brewing. However, over time, coffee residues and mineral deposits can build up inside the machine, affecting the taste and quality of the brewed coffee. To maintain the performance and longevity of your Keurig machine, regular cleaning is essential. Disassembling your Keurig for a thorough cleaning is a crucial step in ensuring that all parts are well-maintained and free from any build-up that may affect the taste and quality of your coffee. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to effectively disassemble your Keurig for cleaning, step by step.

Quick Answer: How To Disassemble Keurig For Cleaning

To disassemble a Keurig for cleaning, you will need to gather the necessary tools and materials, prepare the machine for disassembly, and then carefully disassemble the components. The process involves removing the water reservoir, K-Cup holder, drip tray, and other removable parts, followed by the careful extraction of the internal components such as the brewer assembly and needles. Once disassembled, each part should be cleaned thoroughly with mild soap and water, and descaled if necessary. After cleaning, the components can be reassembled, and the machine can be tested to ensure proper functionality.

Preparation: Tools And Materials Needed For Disassembly

Before you start disassembling your Keurig for cleaning, it’s essential to gather the necessary tools and materials. Here’s what you’ll need:


  1. Phillips head screwdriver
  2. Flat head screwdriver
  3. Needle-nose pliers (optional)
  4. Soft-bristled brush
  5. Paperclip or Keurig maintenance accessory
  6. Towel or soft cloth


  1. Mild dish soap
  2. White vinegar or Keurig descaling solution
  3. Clean, lint-free cloths
  4. Water

Having these tools and materials on hand will ensure that you can effectively disassemble and clean your Keurig machine without any hiccups.

Step-by-Step Guide: Disassembling Keurig For Effective Cleaning

Follow these step-by-step instructions to disassemble your Keurig for comprehensive cleaning:

Step 1: Power Off And Unplug The Machine

Before beginning the disassembly process, ensure that your Keurig machine is powered off and unplugged from the electrical outlet. This is a crucial safety step that will prevent any accidental electrical mishaps as you work on the machine.

Step 2: Gather Supplies And Remove External Parts

Gather all the necessary tools and materials listed above. Once you have the required items, start by removing the external parts of the Keurig machine. These may include the following:

  1. Water Reservoir: Lift the water reservoir straight up to detach it from the machine.
  2. Drip Tray: Slide out the drip tray from the front of the machine and set it aside.
  3. K-Cup Holder: Lift the handle to open the K-Cup holder, then press up from the bottom to remove it.

Step 3: Remove External Screws And Panels

To access the internal components of the Keurig machine, you may need to remove external screws and panels. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to carefully remove any visible screws. Once the screws are removed, gently pry off any panels or covers that are blocking access to the internal components.

Step 4: Access The Brewer Assembly

Once the external panels are removed, you should be able to access the brewer assembly. This is the main internal component of the Keurig machine where the brewing process takes place. It’s essential to clean this part thoroughly to ensure the optimal performance of your machine.

Step 5: Remove Internal Components

Carefully remove the internal components of the Keurig, such as the brewer assembly and needles. Use a flat head screwdriver to carefully detach any clips or connections holding these components in place. Take note of the orientation and placement of each component to facilitate reassembly later.

Step 6: Clean The Components

Once the internal components are removed, it’s time to clean them thoroughly. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any coffee residues or build-up from the brewer assembly and needles. For more stubborn build-up, you can use a paperclip or the Keurig maintenance accessory to carefully dislodge and remove any debris.

Step 7: Clean Removable Parts

While the internal components are removed, take the opportunity to clean the removable parts you previously detached, such as the water reservoir, drip tray, and K-Cup holder. Wash these parts with mild dish soap and water, ensuring that all residues are completely removed. If there are any mineral deposits or scale, soaking these parts in a solution of white vinegar and water can help dissolve and remove the build-up.

Step 8: Descale The Machine (If Necessary)

If your Keurig machine shows signs of mineral build-up or scale, it’s essential to descale it to maintain optimal performance. Prepare a descaling solution using white vinegar or a Keurig descaling solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Run the descaling solution through the machine as per the recommended descaling process.

Step 9: Reassemble The Machine

Once all the components are thoroughly cleaned and descaled, it’s time to reassemble the machine. Carefully reattach the brewer assembly and needles, ensuring that they are properly aligned and secured. Replace any external panels or covers that were removed, and reinstall the screws to hold everything in place.

Step 10: Test The Machine

After reassembly, fill the water reservoir, insert a K-Cup, and test the machine to ensure that it is functioning correctly. Brew a test cup of coffee to verify that the disassembled and cleaned components have been reassembled properly and that the machine is in good working order.

Disassembling your Keurig for thorough cleaning is an essential maintenance task that will help keep your machine in optimal working condition and ensure the quality of the coffee it brews. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above and using the recommended tools and materials, you can effectively disassemble, clean, and reassemble your Keurig machine with confidence. Regular cleaning and maintenance will not only prolong the life of your Keurig but also ensure that you continue to enjoy delicious, freshly brewed coffee with every cup.

Removing The Outer Cover And Top Chimney

Keurig coffee makers have gained immense popularity due to their convenience and ease of use. However, like any other appliance, they require regular cleaning to maintain optimal performance and to prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and bacteria. Disassembling your Keurig for thorough cleaning is an essential but often overlooked step.

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Before starting to disassemble your Keurig, make sure to unplug the machine and allow it to cool completely. It is also recommended to have a clean workspace and all necessary tools handy.

  1. Remove the water reservoir: Lift the water reservoir away from the Keurig and set it aside.

  2. Remove the drip tray: Slide out the drip tray, which is located at the base of the machine. If your drip tray has a grate, remove it by pulling it upward. Empty and wash the drip tray with warm, soapy water.

  3. Remove the outer cover: Locate the four screws that hold the outer cover in place. These screws are typically found underneath the drip tray. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove these screws carefully.

  4. Disconnect the top chimney: Once you have removed the screws, lift the Keurig’s outer cover gently to expose the top chimney. The top chimney is the elongated tube that extends from the top of the machine to the brewer head. Twist the top chimney counterclockwise to disengage it from the brewer head. With a firm but gentle pull, detach the top chimney from the brewer head.

Removing The Drip Tray And Dispensing Head

Once you have removed the outer cover and top chimney, you can proceed to remove the drip tray and dispensing head.

  1. Detach the dispensing head: The dispensing head is responsible for piercing the K-cup and allowing the brewed coffee to flow into your cup. To remove the dispensing head, locate the three screws holding it in place. These screws are usually found on the underside of the top chimney. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove these screws and detach the dispensing head.

  2. Clean the dispensing head: Once detached, clean the dispensing head thoroughly. Soak it in warm, soapy water and use a brush or toothpick to remove any coffee grounds or residue that may have accumulated.

  3. Remove the drip tray cover: Underneath the dispensing head, you will find the drip tray cover. This cover collects any excess water or coffee that may drip during the brewing process. Gently pull the cover away from the machine to remove it.

  4. Clean the drip tray cover: Clean the drip tray cover with warm, soapy water. You can use a toothbrush or sponge to remove any dirt or coffee residue. Rinse thoroughly and set it aside to dry.

Detaching The Water Reservoir And Pod Holder

The next step involves detaching the water reservoir and pod holder from the Keurig coffee maker.

  1. Detach the water reservoir: The water reservoir is usually located at the back of the Keurig machine. Lift it gently and push it backward to disengage it from the machine. Empty any remaining water from the reservoir and set it aside.

  2. Remove the pod holder: The pod holder is where you insert the K-cup or pod for brewing coffee. To remove the pod holder, locate the two small tabs on the sides of the holder. Press these tabs inward simultaneously while pulling the pod holder away from the machine. The pod holder should come off easily.

  3. Clean the water reservoir: Wash the water reservoir with warm, soapy water. Pay special attention to any areas with mineral deposits, as these can affect the taste of your coffee. Use a brush or sponge to scrub away any residue, and rinse thoroughly.

  4. Clean the pod holder: Clean the pod holder in warm, soapy water to remove any coffee or tea residue. Use a brush or sponge to clean the inside and outside of the pod holder thoroughly. Rinse it well and set it aside to dry.

Regularly cleaning your Keurig coffee maker is crucial to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Disassembling your Keurig for a deep cleaning allows you to reach areas that are otherwise difficult to clean. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can safely disassemble your Keurig, clean each component thoroughly, and maintain a clean and efficient coffee machine. Remember to reassemble all the parts carefully and make sure they are properly secured before using your Keurig again. With a clean and well-maintained Keurig, you can continue enjoying your favorite cup of coffee with the assurance of a fresh and flavorful brewing experience.

Removing The Needle And K-Cup Pack Holder

A Keurig coffee maker is a popular appliance among coffee lovers due to its convenience, speed, and delicious taste. However, with daily use, it can get clogged, dirty, and even start giving out bad-tasting coffee. Cleaning your Keurig is essential for the longevity of your appliance and for maintaining the quality of your coffee.

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Before we get into disassembling the entire Keurig, the first step is to remove the needle and K-Cup pack holder. The needle of the Keurig is responsible for puncturing the K-Cup and allowing the water to flow through. The K-Cup pack holder is the component that holds the K-Cup in place. The needle and K-Cup pack holder need to be cleaned thoroughly to ensure that they are not clogged, and the water can flow freely. Here are the steps on how to remove the needle and K-Cup pack holder.

Step 1: Power Off Your Keurig

The first step before disassembling any electrical appliance is to power off your Keurig and unplug it from the outlet. Wait for a couple of minutes to allow the machine to cool down.

Step 2: Remove The K-Cup Pack Holder

To remove the K-Cup pack holder, lift the handle and push up on the bottom of the holder until it clicks out of place. After the holder has been removed, you can see the needle that punctures the K-Cup on the top.

Step 3: Remove The Needle

To remove the needle, use a paper clip or a needle-cleaning tool (which comes with your Keurig) to remove any debris from the entrance needle. Then, turn the Keurig over and use the paper clip to push the bottom needle out from the underside.

Caring For Individual Parts: Cleaning And Maintenance Tips

Now that you have removed the K-Cup pack holder and needle, you can start cleaning each part individually. Proper cleaning and maintenance of each component are crucial for extending the life of your Keurig and ensuring your coffee always tastes great.

Cleaning The K-Cup Pack Holder

The K-Cup pack holder should be cleaned after every use to prevent a buildup of coffee grinds and oils. Here are the steps to clean your K-Cup pack holder:

  1. Remove the K-Cup pack holder
  2. Rinse the K-Cup pack holder with warm water and soak it in a mixture of warm water and dish soap for about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Gently scrub the K-Cup pack holder with a soft-bristle brush or sponge to remove any coffee grinds or oils.
  4. Rinse the K-Cup pack holder thoroughly with warm water to ensure no soap residue is left behind.
  5. Wipe the holder with a clean cloth and allow it to air dry.

Cleaning The Needle

The needle of your Keurig is responsible for puncturing the K-Cup and allowing the water to flow through. Keeping the needle clean is vital for proper function and to ensure there’s no clogging. Here are the steps to clean your Keurig needle:

  1. Take a paper clip or a needle-cleaning tool (which comes with your Keurig) and remove any debris from the entrance needle.
  2. Turn the Keurig over and use the paper clip to push the bottom needle out from the underside.
  3. Clean the needle with a soft-bristle brush and rinse the needle thoroughly with warm water.
  4. Reinsert the needle by aligning the extending point with the hole at the bottom of the Keurig and press it back into place.

Cleaning The Water Reservoir

The water reservoir is where the water is stored before it’s pumped through the coffee machine. Over time, minerals can build up inside the water reservoir and make the water quality taste bad, so it’s essential to clean the water reservoir regularly. Here are the steps to clean your Keurig water reservoir:

  1. Make sure the Keurig is unplugged.
  2. Remove the water reservoir from the Keurig and empty any remaining water.
  3. Use warm water and mild detergent to wash the reservoir. You can also use vinegar solution to remove any hard water stains or deposits.
  4. Rinse the reservoir with clean water and allow it to air dry.

Cleaning The Exterior

The exterior of the Keurig can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Wipe down the surface to remove any coffee stains or dust. It’s essential to keep your Keurig clean to maintain its sleek appearance.

Reassembling Your Keurig: Step-by-Step Guide

After you’ve cleaned each component of your Keurig, it’s time to reassemble it. Proper reassembly is essential for your Keurig’s proper functioning and to ensure that it doesn’t fall apart while in use. Follow the steps below to reassemble your Keurig.

Step 1: Reinsert The Needle

Before reinserting the needle, ensure that both the entrance and bottom of the needle are clean. Align the extending point of the needle with the hole at the bottom of the Keurig and press it back into place. Twist it gently to make sure it’s locked in place.

Step 2: Reinsert The K-Cup Pack Holder

Place the K-Cup pack holder back into your Keurig. Insert the bottom of the K-Cup pack holder into the opening and push the top until it clicks.

Step 3: Reinsert The Water Reservoir

Line up the bottom of the water reservoir with the base of your Keurig. Push the top of the water reservoir forward, and it will lock into place with a clicking sound.

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Step 4: Turn On The Keurig

Your Keurig is now ready to use. Plug the machine back into the outlet and turn it on. Run a brewing cycle without a K-Cup pack to ensure the machine is functioning correctly.

Cleaning your Keurig machine is essential for its longevity and for maintaining the quality of coffee produced. Keeping the K-Cup pack holder, needle, and water reservoir clean ensures proper functioning of your Keurig. The disassembling and reassembling process can be a bit daunting, but following these simple steps will help you clean your machine properly and ensure you have great tasting coffee every time.

Testing Your Reassembled Keurig

After reassembling your Keurig, it’s essential to perform a few tests to ensure that everything is working properly and there are no leaks or malfunctions.

Test 1: Brew A Cup Of Plain Water

Start by brewing a cup of plain water without a K-Cup pod. This allows you to check for any leaks, unusual noises, or irregularities in the brewing process.

Test 2: Brew A Cup Of Coffee Or Tea

Next, brew a cup of coffee or tea with a K-Cup pod inserted. This test ensures that the machine is brewing beverages correctly and that there are no unusual tastes or odors from the cleaning process.

If you encounter any issues during the testing phase, such as leaks, irregular brewing, or unusual flavors, you may need to revisit the disassembly and cleaning process to identify and rectify the problem.

Tips To Keep Your Keurig Clean And Maintained

Once you have successfully disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled your Keurig, it’s important to implement a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep your machine in top condition. Here are some tips to help you keep your Keurig clean and well-maintained:

  • Regular Descale: Depending on your water quality and usage, it’s recommended to descale your Keurig every 3 to 6 months to prevent mineral build-up that can affect performance and flavor.

  • Remove and Rinse the Water Reservoir: Periodically remove the water reservoir and rinse it with warm, soapy water. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

  • Clean the Needle and K-Cup Housing: Use a paperclip to remove any clogs or debris from the needle and K-Cup housing every few weeks, especially if you notice a decrease in brewing performance.

  • Use Filtered Water: Using filtered water can help reduce mineral build-up and extend the time between descaling sessions.

  • Clean Exterior Surfaces: Wipe the exterior surfaces of the machine regularly with a damp cloth to remove any spills, dust, or stains.

  • Replace Parts as Needed: If you notice any worn or damaged parts during the cleaning process, such as seals, gaskets, or filters, it’s advisable to replace them to ensure optimal performance.

  • Use Keurig-Compatible Accessories: When using accessories such as reusable K-Cup pods, ensure they are cleaned and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent clogs and brewing issues.

By incorporating these tips into your Keurig maintenance routine, you can prolong the lifespan of your machine and continue enjoying delicious, freshly brewed beverages.


Disassembling your Keurig for cleaning is a crucial part of regular maintenance to ensure that your machine continues to produce delicious beverages and operates efficiently. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can confidently clean and reassemble your Keurig, as well as perform tests to verify its proper functioning. Additionally, implementing a consistent cleaning and maintenance routine will help keep your Keurig in top condition for years to come, allowing you to savor every cup of coffee or tea. Remember, a clean Keurig is a happy Keurig!


What Tools Do I Need To Disassemble My Keurig For Cleaning?

To disassemble your Keurig for cleaning, you will need a Phillips head screwdriver, a flat head screwdriver, and a pair of needle-nose pliers.

How Often Should I Disassemble My Keurig For Cleaning?

It is recommended to clean and descale your Keurig every three to six months, depending on your usage. However, if you notice a decrease in performance or strange tastes in your coffee, it may be time to clean it sooner.

Can I Run Cleaning Solution Through My Keurig Without Disassembling It?

While running cleaning solution through your Keurig’s internal components can help remove buildup, fully disassembling it will give you a more thorough clean. It is also necessary to take apart certain parts for descaling.

How Do I Disassemble The Water Reservoir On My Keurig?

To disassemble the water reservoir, first, remove it from the machine. Then, use the screwdriver to remove the two screws on the bottom of the reservoir and slide off the back panel. You can then remove the filter and scrub the inside with warm, soapy water.

Do I Need To Turn Off My Keurig Before Disassembling It For Cleaning?

Yes, it is crucial to unplug and turn off your Keurig before disassembling it for cleaning. This will prevent any electric shock or harm to both you and the machine. Safety should always be a top priority when handling any electrical appliance.

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