Nespresso Gran Lattissima Review : A Coffee Shop in Your Kitchen

Do you want to make cappuccino automatically and conveniently?  Keep reading this Nespresso Gran Lattissima Review to find out if it is right for you.

Nespresso Gran Lattissima Review: What I like about it

Nespresso Gran Lattissima By Delonghi EN650B

Nespresso Gran Lattissima By Delonghi EN650B

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 Everything is washable in a dishwasher

This might not be something important for everyone, but it is to me (I´m lazy, I know). All parts like the dripping trays, the capsules reservoir, the milk reservoir and the small rinsing accessories are suitable for the dishwasher. This is great since I´ve had some machines that won´t allow you to wash the smallest pieces making it very hard to take out the grime from the harder-to-reach spots. The Nespresso Gran Lattissima small parts are completely detachable except for the bigger parts that have their own cleaning system.

Comes with an removable platform for small cups

The small cups used to be a problem because of the coffee falling on it from a distance and splashing out of it. Well, that is no longer an issue because you have platform (with a dripping tray as well) to fit the smaller cups that is easily removed to fit your long cups as well. For example, if you want a latte macchiato you can put a big glass or tall cup and if you want a ristretto or an espresso to wake you up in the morning, you can just fit the platform and have the perfect small cup.

removable platform for small cups

removable platform for small cups

Everything works with a single button

It is amazing how everything works with the touch of a single button. Going back to the example, a good latte macchiato can take you quite a while because of the milk froth, the coffee in the middle and the milk at the bottom. With this machine, you just press this “latte macchiato” button and it all works perfectly. Same thing with cappuccino; simplicity is a plus.

Everything takes thirty seconds to warm up

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and want that amazing dark espresso before going to work and not have to wait half an hour for your state of the art espresso machine to heat up. For those times, this machine work marvelously well. It takes thirty seconds for the water to heat up and an extra thirty seconds for the milk to do it. It won´t be more than three or four minutes until you have your cup in your hand.

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The milk container cleans itself and can go in the fridge

Once your tasty latte macchiato is ready, the milk nozzle needs to be cleaned up. To do it you just have to turn your knob to the cleaning mode and the machine will put hot water through it cleaning the entire thing perfectly for the next use. Yes, it is a great one-button machine for everything, cleaning included. Once cleaned, you can put the milk container in the fridge and preserve the rest of the content for a couple of days.

All recipes can be fine-tuned to taste

This is something I only found out once I read the owner´s manual and is super handy. You can fine-tune the amounts of milk and coffee you want for each recipe. For example, I like my latte macchiato with a little less milk and more coffee than what the factory recipe.

Coffee shop recipes at the touch of a button

Coffee shop recipes at the touch of a button

 Again, programming is pushing only a button but slightly differently than when making the coffee. What you need to do is to press the button of the desired beverage and leave it pressed until it starts flashing. This means you are in programming mode. Don´t lift that finger of yours until the initial level of milk is the one you want (or coffee if that is what comes out first in the program you want to change).

Repeat this procedure for every part of the preparation (I also wanted more foam) and next time you make that variety, it will remember your preferences. To go back to the factory presets, you have to perform a factory reset.

In short, this Nespresso machine is a great addition to your home appliances that will take up some space from your kitchen, but it is amazing for creating some very tasty coffee varieties.

Who is Nespresso Gran Lattissima EN650B for?

This machine is perfect for coffee lovers who don´t want to wait or go through all the hassles of an espresso machine. There is no grinding the coffee beans, no heating up time even for the milk; the Latissima Gran is capable of doing it all for you at the touch of a button and in seconds.

Yes, you have to rely on capsules and original Nespresso accessories instead of using whatever you like but is also as simple as it gets. For example, I live in a place that has some local coffee shops selling some just-roasted varieties that are to die for. I can´t use them on this machine because they are not in a capsule.

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Nespresso Gran Lattissima By Delonghi EN650BCheck It Out


This machine is built for coffee-drinking lovers. I make this difference because there is people who love making the coffee and drinking it and others (like me) who only love drinking it. This machine is definitely for the second option.

The taste of all the varieties is great and it resembles that of your favorite coffee shop but only that at a fraction of the price and in the comfort of your own house. It is built for those who don´t want to go through any of the hassles and down-times of big espresso machines.

The comfort and the taste are two great PROs of this machine so it is for those who love their good coffee in the morning in a hurry to go to work and also those who want to relax and do nothing while enjoying their cup of latte watching their favorite series or reading a great book. All you have to do afterwards is just wash the cup you had your coffee in.

After living with this coffee machine for a week, I´m beginning to feel I don´t want to let it go; that says a lot about how good it is.

Benefits of Lattissima Gran Nespresso Espresso Machine

These are the things I liked the most:

  • Ease of use – This machine works only with the press of a button for everything. You only have to remember to put water and milk in each of the containers and have some capsules handy; the rest is one button away, always.
  • Beautiful design – This machine, either in the white or black version, looks amazingly good with the silver lines and the sleek contours. If you have a nice and white kitchen, you´ll see it as an enhancement.
  • Easy to clean – All washable parts in this coffee machine are detachable and can be put inside a dishwasher for cleaning. All the other parts in the inside are cleaned by the system itself. You can clean the milk nozzle at the flick of a wheel and the water reservoir comes with a descaling alarm that will tell you when to do it. It doesn´t get more practical than that.
  • Taste – The product of this machine is superbly tasty and works great for morning, afternoon and night. You can use all the varieties of capsules offered by Nespresso and fine-tune every recipe pushing one button at the time. The taste is another big PRO of this machine.
  • Quick operation – One of the greatest things about this machine is that it will satisfy all your coffee craving on the spot. You will not have to be waiting for it to heat up some minutes before sitting down to watch that series, you can just kick back and relax with your coffee four minutes after having the idea. Besides, it takes virtually the same to make any variety you want.
See also  [Guide] Do You Add Milk To Nespresso Vertuo

Video of Delonghi Lattissima Gran in action

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Potential Shortcomings of Lattissima Gran

The CONs on this machine are not plenty, but I do have some to name.


The size of this machine can be a problem if you don´t have a big kitchen. I´m kind of a foodie, so my kitchen is big and spacious, but a friend of mine who lives in an apartment came and the first thing she said when he saw it was “I could never put that at home”. So, it´s fairly big.


It is quite a pricey appliance that is only directed to coffee lovers in the world who are willing to pay that price for their daily coffee. Price is a little prohibitive for some people.

Milk frother issues

It has been reported by many users online that the milk frother stops working after their first rinse. It was not my case during the first week, but it is a very pricey machine to face frother issues.

Only 1 cup at a time

You can only pour one cup at the time – This is another thing that I didn´t like about this machine that has more to do with the design than with whether it works well or bad. Other brands with similarly-priced models offer the dual-cup approach. My wife surely doesn´t like waiting for her cup even when it is a few minutes.


Verdict: Should you buy Nespresso Gran Lattissima ?

This is a dream come true for coffee lovers in the world who want to enjoy all the taste of the best recipes of the coffee shops without any of the hassles in the preparation and at a fraction of the price per capsule. It cleans itself, prepares the coffee in a heartbeat and looks beautiful. If your coffee tasting this good this quick is worth the price for you, it is a sure win.

 Nespresso Gran Lattissima By Delonghi EN650BCheck It Out

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