Nespresso Expert Review – Is high tech good?

Nespresso Expert Review: Coffee is a popular staple among millions of households throughout the world. People rely on the rich aromas that drift through the air in the morning to help motivate them to start the day. Baristas and specialty coffee shops are always creating innovative ways to drive customers in with new signature flavors and varieties that can motivate true coffee lovers. Devoted coffee drinkers will say that a good cup of coffee, whatever the flavor or variety, is derived from quality, freshness, the way the coffee beans are roasted and how they are brewed. If care isn’t taken in any of those processes then the result can be catastrophic.

While technology has allowed baristas and specialty coffee shops to find more innovative ways to satisfy their coffee loving clientele, manufacturers are finding success in building coffee makers capable of creating premium coffee at home. One company that is focused on innovative premium coffee makers is the Switzerland based company, Nespresso. Nespresso has built an impressive series of premium single- serve coffee makers that allow their customers to become their own baristas.


The Nespresso Expert Review

One such machine is the Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine by De’Longhi. This single-serve coffee machine allows the customers to discover how to make their own version of the perfect cup of coffee and in the long run, skip the trip to the local coffee shop. The features and benefits of this coffee maker have the true coffee lover in mind.

What if you could make a cup of your favorite coffee without having to leave your desk at work or leaving the comfort of your sofa? Imagine the alarm clock going off in the morning and all you have to do is grab your smartphone and punch in a few commands and your coffee starts to brew before you even leave the bed. The idea isn’t to encourage laziness but to promote convenience.


Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine By Delonghi

Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine By Delonghi

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  • Easy to use. : Options and features are easy to understand with the informative manual included
  • Nespresso Capsule Technology : no need to deal with messy coffee powder
  • Large water tank capacity of 38 ounces: more cups of coffee per topping up of water. Hence, less trips to the sink!
  • Beautiful and unique design
  • Smart technology with blue-tooth connectivity and mobile app controls
  • Allows three temperature settings which gives you the power for the right amount of heat.
  • Empty water tank alert: alert you when topping up of water is required
  • Full used capsule container alert : alert you when the used capsule containers need emptying
  • Descaling alert: alert you when descaling is required.



  • Does not come with frother. While this may not be a deal breaker, some coffee lovers have mentioned in their reviews that it will be a good to have.
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Benefit of the Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine

The Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine by De’Longhi offers that convenience plus much more.

This coffee maker is designed to work for you from start to finish with the following features:


Traditional coffee makers are known for their basic functionality. The water is sifted through a basket filled with coffee grounds with an electric element used to heat the water. The brewed coffee drips into a glass carafe and is at the mercy of a heating element that sits at the base of the machine.

The Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine takes it up a notch by providing three different heat settings. Choose your preference of medium, hot or extra hot for your perfect coffee. This espresso machine also has an extra spout for hot water to provide preparations for a weaker espresso.



The Nespresso Expert offers settings for different sizes.

The smallest size offered is called the Ristretto which measures to be .85 oz. There is the Espresso which is about 1.35 oz. The next size up measures up at 3.7 oz and it is referred to as the Lungo and the newest set is called the Americano which measures at 4.2 oz.

These settings provide the optimal settings to satisfy all of the coffee drinkers in your home or office.


Bluetooth Technology

Download the compatible app to your Android or iOS app to your smartphone and configure the perfect coffee setting through your smartphone.

Conserve time for things that are important by programming your coffee without leaving your desk or sofa with Bluetooth technology and a smartphone app.

Have your cup of coffee ready to enjoy before you even get to the coffee machine. The mobile app empowers you to prepare the next cup of coffee to your exact specifications.

Video Reviews


State of the Art Features

The Nespresso Expert includes a large water container that holds 38 ounces. It also includes a large container that will hold up to fourteen spent Nespresso capsules for easy clean up.

This coffee maker impressively prepares the perfect cup of coffee in about thirty seconds. It also has an energy saving component which includes shutting off after nine minutes if not in use.



Nespresso Expert vs Nespresso Creatista Plus

Breville Nespresso Creatista Espresso Maker Review

Breville Nespresso Creatista Espresso Maker

The Nespresso Expert meets a lot of the demands of an elite coffee maker. If you want to take it up a notch, then the Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee and Espresso Machine by Breville is a supreme machine rich in features that commands excellence.


Nespresso teamed up with Australia-based company Breville. Breville specializes in small kitchen appliances and was the first company to introduce the sandwich toaster. They have designed a line of coffee makers and espresso machines that delight those who enjoy baristas for their cappuccino and latte. Their extended research into what makes various baristas and cafes successful has helped them developed coffee machines designed for consumers.

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The Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee and Espresso Machine by Breville is a top of the line single-serve espresso machine that is rich in features that enlighten the most critical of coffee connoisseurs.


Just like the Nespresso Expert, it is a single serve espresso machine with the added feature of the milk frother. This means you can practise frothing the milk on your own. If you like to experiment with Latte Art without dealing with messy coffee powder, then the Nespresso Creatista espresso machine may be the solution.


The features for the Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee and Espresso Machine by Breville include:


Able to make Espesso, Cappuccino and Latte

With the touch of a button, program this espresso machine to meet all of your preferences for a perfect cup of coffee every single time. This espresso machine features three different size settings, ristretto, espresso, and lungo. Take it up a notch with integrated settings to create cappuccinos or lattes.

Smart LED Screen

An LED screen with TFT technology that will assist you through the steps to make that perfect cup every single time without fail.

Milk Frother

This espresso machine has an integrated milk frother with an aluminum canister to hold the milk. This includes eight levels for texture and eleven heat settings for the perfect milk consistency.
Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee and Espresso Machine includes a 1.5liter water tank, a steam wand, and an automatic cleaning process.

Classy Design

The Creatista is made up of stainless steel. Hence, it has the metallic classy design is a way more beautiful than any of the other Nespresso models. However, if you do not want to froth milk manually with the milk pitcher and frother, then Creatista is not right for you.


Nespresso Expert Vs Prodigio

nespresso prodigio

nespresso prodigio

If the Nespresso Expert is too pricey but you still demand all the smart technology of the Expert, then the Nespresso D75-US-SI-NE Prodigio with Milk Espresso Maker may be right up your alley.

This espresso coffee maker has:
• An astounding 25 second turn around time.
• It features three buttons for programming size preferences.
• It includes a 28-ounce water container.
• It has an automatic shut-off after nine minutes to conserve energy.
• Has an integrated maintenance system that alerts you when it needs care.

Just like the Nespresso Expert, the Prodigio combines technology with your smartphone to enable you to set your preferences with the use of a dedicated app for Android and iOS phones.

With the touch of a few buttons, you can have the perfect cup of coffee that you demand time after time.

With the Nespresso Prodigio, with added milk frother, you get the expert features of the Nespresso Expert but without the heftier price tag.


Nespresso Expert vs Nespresso VertuoPlus

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Maker by Breville

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Maker by Breville

Nespresso has an offer for the budget-minded consumer who wants a barista style espresso coffee maker but can learn to live without all of the bells and whistles.

The Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee and Espresso Maker by De’Longhi with Aeroccino is a single-serve espresso coffee maker offers and flexibility for any kitchen.

See also  [Guide] How To Start A Nespresso Machine

This espresso coffee maker features five programmable settings to fit any coffee size preference with the smallest being espresso to the largest being the Alto that measures at 14 ounces.

This machine will meet the demands of fans that want cappuccino or latte with the included Aeroccino Milk Frother.

Nespresso integrated an new extraction technology with the VertuoPlus that blends the coffee grounds with the water to ensure a perfect cup of coffee.

This espresso coffee maker has its own exclusive capsule, known as the Nespresso Vertuoline capsules.

With the Vertuoplus, there is no need to set any brewing parameters. The machine can determine the right brew parameters by reading the barcode on the capsules using Nespresso’s barcode

The key feature of the Vertuoplus is its very large sixty-ounce moveable water tank. This water tank can be positioned left, right or at the back of the machine. Hence, you can easily adjust  to accommodate the coffee maker to the space on your counter top.


Nespresso Expert vs Nespresso Lattissima Pro

DeLonghi Nespresso Lattissima ProIf you are going to compare the benefits and features of various espresso coffee makers manufactured by Nespresso, then it is essential to look at the Nespresso Lattissima One by De’Longhi.

This single-serve espresso coffee maker has a simple design and easy to use features. It features programmable settings for two different size cups of coffee and a one touch of a button for the milk for lattes or cappuccinos.

The Lattissima Pro is truly fully automatic coffee maker. Pour the desired amount of milk into the milk container and then a simple touch of a button will produce your preferred coffee, latte or cappuccino in a matter of seconds.

This espresso coffee maker can produce an espresso in twenty-five seconds and a latte in about forty seconds.

It also features a 33.8 oz water tank that allows you to do less refilling.

This espresso coffee maker does not include a milk frother but it does have a milk jug to store milk to add for a consistent cappuccino or latte.

While this espresso coffee maker is not as elaborate as the other machines featured here, it is fair to conclude that the Nespresso Lattissima One by De’Longhi is capable of creating barista quality coffee.


Nespresso Expert Review: Should I buy it?

Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine By Breville

Nespresso Expert Espresso Machine By Breville

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While the Nespresso Expert is an impressive coffee maker with all of its bells and whistles, the decision to purchase such an elite machine has to be based on what you expect out of such an investment. Compare the pros and cons mentioned in this Nespresso Expert review. Compare the benefits to your run of the mill coffee maker. Are you still able to turn down the advances of technology this machine has to offer? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to