(GUIDE) How To Descale Breville Infuser?

Proper maintenance and care are essential for the longevity and performance of your Breville Infuser espresso machine. Descaling is an important part of that maintenance routine. Over time, mineral deposits from water can build up inside the machine, affecting its efficiency and the quality of your espresso. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of descaling your Breville Infuser, ensuring that you can continue enjoying delicious coffee for years to come.

In Short: How To Descale Breville Infuser

To descale your Breville Infuser, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Breville’s "The Descaler" solution or a homemade descaling solution (white vinegar or citric acid)
  • Fresh water
  • A container to catch the water
  • A sponge or cloth
  • A small brush or toothbrush
  • A safety pin or paper clip

Here is a quick overview of the descaling process:

  1. Prepare the descaling solution by following the manufacturer’s instructions or using the homemade solution.
  2. Empty and clean the water tank of the espresso machine.
  3. Fill the water tank with the descaling solution and water mixture.
  4. Place a container under the group head and run the machine until the water tank is empty.
  5. Rinse the water tank thoroughly before refilling it with clean water.
  6. Run a blank shot through the espresso machine to flush out the remaining descaling solution.
  7. Clean the shower screen, portafilter, and other removable parts with the descaling solution.
  8. Rinse all the parts thoroughly with clean water.
  9. Wipe down the exterior of the machine with a clean, damp cloth.
  10. Repeat the descaling process at least every two to three months, depending on the frequency of use.

Key Takeaways

  • Descaling is crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your Breville Infuser.
  • Use Breville’s "The Descaler" solution or a homemade descaling solution.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide carefully for effective descaling.
  • Regular maintenance and cleaning will ensure optimal operation of your espresso machine.

Understanding The Importance Of Descaling Your Breville Infuser

Over time, mineral deposits from water, such as limescale, can accumulate inside your Breville Infuser espresso machine. These deposits can clog your machine’s internal components, affecting its performance and the taste of your espresso. Descaling is the process of removing these mineral deposits and maintaining the efficiency and quality of your machine.

Regular descaling will help to:

  1. Preserve the Flavor: As mineral deposits accumulate, they can alter the taste of your coffee. Descaling ensures that your Breville Infuser consistently produces flavorful espresso.

  2. Prevent Clogging: Limescale build-up can clog the internal parts of your machine, affecting water flow and temperature stability. Descaling removes these obstructions and helps your machine function optimally.

  3. Extend Lifespan: By removing mineral deposits, you prevent damage and corrosion to the heating elements and internal components. Regular descaling can significantly extend the lifespan of your Breville Infuser.

  4. Maintain Performance: Descaling helps maintain optimal water pressure and temperature during the brewing process, ensuring that you consistently achieve the perfect extraction.

Materials And Tools Needed For Descaling

Before you begin the descaling process, gather the following materials and tools:

  1. Descaling Solution: Breville recommends using their own "The Descaler" solution, specifically formulated for their espresso machines. If you prefer a homemade solution, white vinegar or citric acid can be used as alternatives. However, be cautious with vinegar, as its strong odor may linger.

  2. Fresh Water: You will need a sufficient amount of fresh water to fill the water tank and rinse the machine.

  3. Container: Find a container or cup large enough to catch the water from the machine during the descaling process.

  4. Sponge or Cloth: Prepare a sponge or cloth for wiping down the exterior surfaces of the Breville Infuser.

  5. Small Brush or Toothbrush: A small brush or toothbrush will help you clean hard-to-reach areas, such as the shower screen and portafilter.

  6. Safety Pin or Paper Clip: You may need a safety pin or paper clip to remove any clogs in the machine’s steam wand or group head.

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Make sure all these materials and tools are readily available before you initiate the descaling process.

Step-by-Step Guide To Descaling Your Breville Infuser

Follow these step-by-step instructions to effectively descale your Breville Infuser espresso machine:

Step 1: Prepare the Descaling Solution

First, prepare the descaling solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions or by using a homemade solution. If using Breville’s "The Descaler" solution, follow the recommended dilution ratio. If using a homemade solution, mix equal parts of white vinegar or citric acid and water.

Step 2: Empty and Clean the Water Tank

Remove the water tank from your Breville Infuser and empty any remaining water. Wash the tank with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly to remove any impurities or residue.

Step 3: Fill the Water Tank with Descaling Solution

Refill the water tank with the descaling solution and water mixture. Be sure to follow the required ratio specified by the manufacturer. If using a homemade solution, fill the tank with equal parts of the descaling solution and water.

Step 4: Place a Container Under the Group Head

Position a container beneath the group head of the espresso machine to collect the water during the descaling process. This container will also catch any debris that may be flushed out during the process.

Step 5: Start the Descale Cycle

Turn on the machine and wait for it to heat up. Once the machine is ready, activate the descale cycle by initiating the brewing process. This will begin the flow of the descaling solution through the machine.

Allow the solution to run through the machine until the water tank is empty. The descaling process can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer or the homemade solution used.

Step 6: Rinse the Water Tank

Once the descaling cycle is complete, remove the water tank and rinse it thoroughly with fresh water to remove any traces of the descaling solution.

Step 7: Flush with Clean Water

Refill the water tank with fresh water and place it back in its position. Activate the brewing process, allowing clean water to run through the machine to flush out any remaining descaling solution.

Collect the water in a container to ensure that no residue remains in the machine. Continue this process until the water tank is empty.

Step 8: Clean Removable Parts with Descaling Solution

While the machine is going through the flush cycle, remove the portafilter, shower screen, and other removable parts. Soak them in the descaling solution for a few minutes, ensuring that all surfaces are fully submerged.

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Use a small brush or toothbrush to scrub away any accumulated residue, and then rinse the parts thoroughly with clean water.

Step 9: Wipe Down the Exterior

Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with fresh water and wipe down the exterior surfaces of the Breville Infuser. This will remove any residue or build-up that may have accumulated on the machine’s exterior.

Step 10: Repeat as Necessary

The frequency of descaling depends on the water hardness and frequency of use of your Breville Infuser. As a general guideline, it is recommended to descale every two to three months to maintain optimal performance. However, if you notice a decrease in water flow or if the machine’s temperature seems inconsistent, it may be necessary to descale more frequently.

Tips And Tricks For A Thorough Descale

To ensure a thorough descaling process and maintain the efficiency of your Breville Infuser, consider the following tips and tricks:

  1. Follow the Instructions: If you are using Breville’s "The Descaler" solution, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dilution ratio and descaling procedure.

  2. Homemade Descaling Solution: If using a homemade descaling solution, avoid mixing vinegar or citric acid at a high concentration, as it may damage certain parts of the espresso machine. Stick to equal parts of vinegar or citric acid and water.

  3. Pre-Descale Cleaning: Clean the exterior of the machine and empty and rinse the water tank before starting the descaling process. This ensures that no debris or impurities interfere with the descaling solution.

  4. Properly Position the Container: Position a large enough container under the group head to catch all the water during the descaling process. This will prevent water from overflowing and causing a mess.

  5. Heat Dissipation: After each descaling shot or process, allow the machine to cool down for a few minutes before running the next cycle. This will prevent excessive heat build-up in the machine.

  6. Scrubbing Removable Parts: Use a small brush or toothbrush to scrub removable parts, such as the portafilter and shower screen, during the descaling process. This will ensure that any accumulated residue is thoroughly removed.

  7. Safety Pin or Paper Clip: If you notice any blockage in the steam wand or group head, use a safety pin or paper clip to clear it. Be careful not to damage the machine while doing so.

  8. Rinsing Thoroughly: Rinse all removable parts and the water tank thoroughly with clean water after descaling to remove any residue from the descaling solution.

Maintaining Your Breville Infuser For Longevity And Peak Performance

Descaling is just one aspect of maintaining your Breville Infuser espresso machine. To ensure its longevity and peak performance, it is essential to follow these additional maintenance tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the portafilter, shower screen, and other removable parts after each use. Wipe down the exterior surfaces of the machine regularly to remove coffee grounds, oils, and other residue.

  2. Proper Storage: When not in use, store your Breville Infuser in a dry and clean environment. Ensure that all removable parts are dry before storing them back inside the machine.

  3. Water Quality: The quality of water used in your espresso machine can impact its performance and longevity. If you live in an area with hard water, consider using filtered or bottled water to reduce mineral build-up.

  4. Regular Maintenance: Beyond descaling, schedule regular maintenance checks for your Breville Infuser. This may include checking and replacing seals or gaskets, as well as servicing any other components as recommended by the manufacturer.

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Troubleshooting Common Issues During The Descaling Process

While descaling your Breville Infuser, you may encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  1. Residue in the Water Tank: If you notice residue or a film forming in the water tank after descaling, rinse the tank thoroughly and repeat the flush process with fresh water. This should remove any remaining residue.

  2. Inconsistent Water Flow: If the water flow from the group head seems weak or inconsistent after descaling, check for blockages in the shower screen or group head. Use a safety pin or paper clip to clear any obstructions.

  3. Unpleasant Odor: If you detect a strong vinegar smell after descaling, run a few blank shots with clean water to flush out any lingering odors. Make sure you have thoroughly rinsed all removable parts.

  4. Excessive Steam or Noise: If your Breville Infuser produces excessive steam or noise after descaling, it may indicate a partially clogged steam wand or group head. Clean out any blockages using a safety pin or paper clip.

If these troubleshooting tips do not resolve the issue, refer to the manufacturer’s manual or contact Breville’s customer support for further guidance.


Descaling is a crucial maintenance task for your Breville Infuser espresso machine. Regular descaling ensures optimal performance, extends the lifespan of your machine, and preserves the flavor of your espresso. By following the step-by-step guide and tips provided in this article, you can effectively descale your Breville Infuser and enjoy delicious coffee for years to come. Remember, maintenance and care will keep your espresso machine in prime condition, delivering a superior coffee experience every time.


What Does Descaling Mean?

Descaling refers to the process of removing mineral buildup inside your Breville Infuser espresso machine.

How Often Should I Descale My Breville Infuser?

It is suggested to descale your Breville Infuser every 2-3 months, depending on your water quality and usage.

What Materials Do I Need To Descale My Breville Infuser?

You will need descaling solution, a cleaning brush, a clean cloth, and a container large enough to hold at least 33 oz. or 1 L of water.

How Do I Descale My Breville Infuser?

Fill the water tank with the descaling solution and water mixture, then run the descaling cycle according to the machine’s instructions. Rinse the water tank and perform two fresh water cycles before using the machine.

Can I Use Any Descaling Solution For My Breville Infuser?

No. Breville recommends using their own brand of descaling solution or a citric acid solution. Other descaling solutions may contain harmful chemicals that could damage the machine.

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