Top 4 Best Breville Espresso Machine Review [5 Key Factors To NOTE!]

To make great tasty espresso consistently, it is important to get a very good espresso machine. And Breville is a great brand which puts advanced features in a reasonably priced machine. Keep reading this Breville espresso machine review to find out which is the best for you.

Best Breville Espresso Machine Review: Who Are These Espresso Makers Suitable For?

Breville Espresso machines are targeted at those who wants a great taste for excellent espresso and need a trustworthy setup which will strike a balance in between barista skill-building and automated convenience.

Individuals who have some knowledge of making espresso and latte art can easily develop their particular craft with any of these Breville espresso machines.

And people who may be confused by espresso jargon at this juncture, should also similarly pick up Barista skills on these machines pretty quickly as they are made to be user-friendly.

But if you already know the fundamentals about tamp, dose, and grind, you are going to make delicious drinks on these Breville espresso makers.

Best Breville Espresso Machine Reviews

#1 Breville Pro Duo Temp Espresso Machine [Best For Beginners]

Brewing a tasty shot of cappuccino or espresso is a fairly complicated process. To prepare the appropriate coffee and to extract the perfect taste is so much of science as it is an art.

If you are a beginner trying to improve and hone your skills of coffee-making, the Breville Duo Temp Pro Espresso Machine is a great lower cost option.

BES810BSS Duo Temp Pro Breville Espresso Machine

BES810BSS Duo Temp Pro Breville Espresso Machine

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Advanced Features for Brewing Tasty Espresso

It comes with advanced features to make a great tasty espresso.

Duo Temp Pro has a low-pressure pre-infusion step that saturates coffee grounds with hot water. This step ensures that water can pass evenly throughout the grounds, thus maximizing the extraction of flavours and aromas from the grounds.

Its powerful 15 bar Italian pump then takes over to exert the optimal espresso pressure of 9 bars to extract the espresso from the grounds.

The end result is a sweet, rich and thick espresso for your taste buds.

Features To Ensure Consistency For Tasty Espresso Every Time

In addition, Breville Duo Temp Pro uses a PID controller to monitor and adjust the water brew temperature so that it stays at the range for the optimal balanced espresso extraction.

PID technology precisely controls water temperature for a perfectly balanced coffee extraction

PID technology precisely controls water temperature for a perfectly balanced coffee extraction

This precise control on the brew water temperature gives you a sweet, nuanced and delicious flavor notes in your espresso.

It also ensures that you get the same quality every time you make a brew.

Auto Purging Feature to Ensure that You Don’t Get a Burned Espresso

Its auto purging feature release the heat from the thermocoil automatically after every steaming of milk.

This reduces the high temperature of around 135 degrees celsius used for steaming milk to the 95 degrees for brewing espresso. Thus, you are assured that you will never get a burned espresso on your next brew.

Microfoam Milk Texturing Capability

Breville Duo Temp Pro comes with a powerful heater of 1600 watts. This allows sufficient steam to be generated for steaming milk for your latte. This high powered steam enables the milk to be steamed with high pressure, creating many little bubbles in the process.

This gives the milk  a great milk texture which gives a better flavor and mouth feel. The high temperature also extracts out the sweetness of the milk. This makes a great latte, blended with sweet milk and golden syrupy espresso.

Clean, Elegant and Thoughtful Design

This Breville Duo Temp Pro has an elegant “stainless-steel” body and is really very compact.

It also has very simple dial controls. With this Duo Temp Pro, you don’t get a cluttered look.

The combination of stainless housing, simple design with curves at the appropriate places make it a really classy machine.

Additional Accessory

Not to mention, it also comes with the Breville’s unique “Razor-Dose” tool. This allows you to trim excess coffee from the portafilter, thus ensuring you place the ideal 19 to 22 grams of ground coffee for optimal espresso extraction.

Video of this entry level Breville espresso machine in action

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  • Affordable
  • Pre-infusion feature
  • PID Electronic temperature control
  • 15 high-quality Italian-made bar pump
  • Automated purge function
  • 360-degree rotating high-pressure stainless steel steam wand
  • 1.8 liter water tank


  • No integrated grinder
  • Cannot adjust milk temperature or texture
  • Has to manual adjust volume for espresso shot
See also  (GUIDE) How To Clean Water Boiler For Breville Espresso Machine?


#2 Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine

This Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine is the one of the most compact home espresso machine available on the marketplace which deliver excellent advanced features.

BES500BSS Bambino Plus Breville Espresso Machine

BES500BSS Bambino Plus Breville Espresso Machine

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Compact size

The top feature about this Bambino Plus Breville Coffee Maker is its compact size. However, if you have ever noticed a few of the contemporary espresso machines on the market, they are enormously huge.

So huge that sometimes individuals will find a unique stand only for the coffee maker, to clear your kitchen counter up for other things. And all those large coffee makers are massively expensive too.

The lightweight design of this Bambino Plus Breville Coffee Maker brings coffee-making into your home without consuming much space in your kitchen.

Just set this up on counter like you might a typical drip coffee maker, expect you can now get the “coffee-shop” quality coffee in a few minutes, without leaving the home or even standing in the long lines.

Value for money

When it comes to the price, it does not charge you high like others, but the value and quality are worth your every penny.

The amazing coffee machine makes brewing coffee at home quite easily. When you are all set to make the coffee, simply push the switch for the particular option you need. You will be truly satisfied to see its excellent features and high-quality performance.

Breville undoubtedly did not skimp on the design while they designed this espresso machine. Not just is the unit compact, but it is also manufactured with a stunning stainless steel brushed body.

Really easy to use

This Bambino Plus provides a great deal to the Baristas, particularly people who are completely new to brewing their espresso coffees in terms of simplicity of use. With the quick heating system and startup and automated “milk-steaming” wand, really it can’t get far easier.

Needless to say, the flavor of the coffee you brew from Bambino Plus is really good. Just make sure to keep the machine well-maintained and cleaned regularly. At the same time, make sure that you always use coffee which has been ground freshly.

Video of Bambino Plus Breville Espresso Maker in action

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  • Affordable
  • Pre-infusion feature
  • PID Electronic temperature control
  • 15 high-quality Italian-made bar pump
  • Automated purge function
  • 360-degree rotating high-pressure stainless steel steam wand
  • Automatic milk texturizing
  • Able to adjust milk temperature and texture
  • 1.9 litre water tank
  • Comes with new thermojet heating system with 3 second water heatup time
  • Almost no delay from espresso extraction to milk steaming
  • Slim compact design
  • Programmable 1 & 2 cup volumes control
  • Comes with Razor-Dose trimming tool


  • Smaller drip tray due to the slim design
  • No integrated grinder

#3 Breville Barista Pro Espresso Machine

If you are looking for a Breville espresso machine with grinder, Breville Barista Pro is the most value for money.  It too comes with a pre-infusion feature & PID controller for temperature stability. However, it has even more advanced features that justify its higher price tag.

If you used the popular Breville Barista Express BES870XL before, you will like Barista Pro even more with its upgraded features.


Breville the Barista Pro BES878 Automatic Espresso Machine with Integrated Conical Burr Grinder

Breville the Barista Pro BES878 Automatic Espresso Machine with Integrated Conical Burr Grinder

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Integrated Conical Burr Grinder

It comes pre-loaded with Breville’s flawless “Smart-Grinder” Pro. Getting a first-class “burr-grinder” is vital in terms of making great espresso. The stainless steel conical burrs are great at maximizing the surface area of the ground coffee, allowing for a full espresso flavor extraction.

Having sufficient grind size options will also allow you to vary the espresso taste. And in this machine, there are 30 grind sizes much more than most espresso machines on the market. This is almost double that of Barista Express’ 18 grind sizes.

The upper and lower burrs are also removable for easy cleaning.

Faster Heating Technology

Just like Bambino Plus, Breville Barista Pro also comes with the new Thermojet heating system. With this newer heating system, it can heat up water really fast and attains the espresso extraction temperature in just 3 seconds from a cold start.

This faster heating system also makes the transition from espresso extraction to steaming milk almost instantaneous.

Innovative ThermoJet heating system achieves the optimum extraction temperature in 3 seconds with instantaneous transition from espresso to steam. Ready to make your best coffee without the wait.

Innovative ThermoJet heating system heats up water in just 3 seconds.

Hands-free Grinding

Barista Pro also has an automatic dosing control. This ensures that the required amount of ground coffee is dispensed to the portafilter, depending on whether you choose a single or double cup dose.

It will stop grinding once the amount is fulfilled, thus allowing a hands free grinding approach. Once it’s done, you can move the portafilter under the tamper next to it to tamp the grounds. Alternatively, you can also remove the tamper from its magnetic holder and performing the tamping on the table.

Great Customization

Beside the 30 grind size controls, you can also adjust the temperature of the espresso shot for the optimum coffee flavor.  You can also adjust and store the preset volumes for 1 and 2 cup shot options.

See also  (GUIDE) How To Froth Milk On Breville Barista Pro?
Easier to clean

There is also a dry puck feature. This drains the excess water in the coffee puck inside the filter basket. This makes it easier to knock off the coffee puck from the basket.  

The drip tray is also large, allowing it to catch coffee drips better alongside with providing more usable workspace for making your espresso.

Intuitive LCD interface

Its nice backlit LCD interface shows all the information necessary for monitoring the brewing process all in one screen. This includes details on the grind size, grind amount and even the shot timer. This makes controlling the brew process an easy task.

Breville Barista Pro BES878 intuitive interface

Hot water outlet

This Barista Pro also comes with a dedicated hot water outlet. And I like the way it is angled, making it unnecessary to move your cup to make an Americano.


Video of Breville Espresso maker with grinder in action.

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  • Pre-infusion feature
  • PID Electronic temperature control
  • 360-degree rotating high-pressure stainless steel steam wand
  • 2 litres water tank
  • Comes with new thermojet heating system with 3 second water heatup time
  • Integrated conical burr grinder
  • Intutive LCD interface showing fine-grained details
  • Programmable 1 & 2 cup volumes control
  • Dedicated hot water sprout
  • Comes with Razor-Dose trimming tool


  • Milk texturing is manual

#4 Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine [ Fully Automatic ]

This Breville Oracle Touch Espresso Machine strikes the ideal balance between quality and convenience with prosumer-influenced basics and dead-easy operation to add to its validity.

Similar to Barista Pro, Touch includes a grinder and automatic dosing (that supports both double and single espresso baskets) and programmability for volumetric shot.

But it has much more. This is a fully automatic espresso machine, making it best Breville espresso machine by far.

Breville BES990BSSUSC Oracle Touch Fully Automatic Espresso Machine,

Breville BES990BSSUSC Oracle Touch Fully Automatic Espresso Machine,

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User-Friendly Touch Screen

Faithful to its title, the Touch includes a vibrant four-inch touchscreen which allows you to zip through menus and controls, change program, settings and save customized drinks-all just at a press of finger.

The streamlined display means user-friendly operation for guests and owners alike, while even enabling customized labels and drinks for making your mornings much simpler.

With automation at every stage, simply swipe and select for espresso, long black, latté, flat white or cappuccino and enjoy café quality coffee at home.

zips through the menu easily with this user-friendly touchscreen.

Its full-color touchscreen includes settings for 5 common coffee drinks: espresso, cappuccino, flat white, latte and Americano and it can easily save eight customized drink formulas.

Hands-free Operation

Oracle Touch is really easy and convenient to use.

It automatically grinds the coffee beans, delivers the right dosage to the portafilter and tamps the coffee puck with the appropriate pressure. You do not need to move the portafilter out of its cradle for tamping. This eliminates any possiblity of coffee grounds spills.

integrated conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps 22 grams

integrated conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps 22 grams

The milk texturizing is also automatic. Based on your selected temperature and texture, Oracle Touch will texture the milk accordingly on its own.  It even has a self cleaning function which automatically purge milk residues from the steam wand.

And the steam wand has cool touch surface and comes with a temperature sensor

Other than automatic operation, it even comes with programmable auto-start and auto-off feature. Hence, you can preset the machine to turn on at a specified time. And you can also preset the machine to turn off automatically from 0.5 hour to 8 hours.

More Advanced Features For Better Espresso Extraction

Besides a PID temperature control, Oracle Touch comes with more advance features to improve your espresso taste. It has a more advanced pre-infusion feature which is able to increase water pressure gradually to better expand the grinds for a more even extraction.

In addition, it comes with the additional Over Pressure Valve which limits the maximum pressure for espresso extraction. This avoid the bitter espresso taste associated with too much pressure exerted.

Over Pressure Valve (OPV) limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction

Over Pressure Valve (OPV) limits the maximum pressure throughout the extraction

It also comes with a commercial style 58mm group head with an embedded element, which actively heat the group head to ensure thermal stability during the espresso extraction.

Dedicated Boiler And Pump For Brewing And Steaming

Breville Oracle Touch comes with dedicated stainless steel boilers for brewing espresso and steaming. This enables the 2 different temperatures to be achieved at the same time.

It also comes with 2 dedicated Italian-made pumps for espresso brewing and steaming, allowing 2 different pressures to be achieved simultaneously.

This means that you can perform milk texturing and espresso extraction at the same time!

Video of this Fully Automatic Breville Espresso Machine in action

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  • Fully automatic espresso machine – automatic grinding, dosing, tamping
  • Integrated conical burr grinder with 280g bean hopper
  • automatic milk texturizing with its cool touch steam wand with temperature sensor and self clean function
  • Allows simultaneous brewing and steaming with 2 dedicated boilers and pumps
  • Extremely large 2.5 liter water tank
  • Commercial style group head
  • More Advanced features for better espresso extraction – gradual pre-infusion, OPV, actively heated group head
  • The brewed espresso tastes really great
  • User-friendly Touchscreen interface with option to save 8 customized drink formulas
  • Programmable auto-start and auto-off
See also  (GUIDE) How To Increase Pressure On Breville Espresso Machine?


  • A little bit pricy

5 Key Factors To Consider For Choosing the Best Breville Espresso Maker

We all know that how challenging it is when it comes to discover the top product from an array of high-quality options.

However, you do not have to stress anymore. This part of my review will assist you to discover the most appropriate espresso machine for yourself.

1 Size & Durability:

Size & durability is significant while buying a coffee maker. Many people choose compact-sized coffee unit for their kitchen. At the same time, you should think about the sturdiness of the device.

Typically, the cheap espresso machine does not last for an extended period. Therefore, you should invest some more for making a long-lasting investment, both for a machine that makes good espresso and also for the machine to last you a long time.

2 Easy To Clean & Use:

Try to get those espresso makers that come with straightforward operating functions.

This is especially if you’re not a professional for brewing espresso. You might not have the preferred result with challenging functions.

On top of that, cleaning is important for every device to extend its lifespan. Therefore, you should choose the espresso machine that is effortless to clean.

3 Functions And Features:

Espresso makers that include more features and functions are simpler to use as well as deliver most delicious and accurate coffee.

Thus, it’s better to choose the coffee maker that has more functions and features. But you may need to add extra on your price range to have more functions and features.

4 Personal Choice:

While you’re buying espresso maker you must know your preferences. Needless to say, if you just need lattes or normal cappuccinos you do not have to purchase espresso maker which comes with unique features.

But, if you desire to make more milk texturizing than you have to, choose the coffee makers with superior milk frothers.

5 Cost:

Last but not least, you have to figure out how much actually you prefer to invest in a coffee machine. If you currently have a bigger budget then you can purchase espresso coffee maker with more quality and features.

However, inexpensive espresso devices are also convenient to brew high-quality coffee. If you are new to espresso making and not willing to put invest a lot, try with the entry level espresso machine in your price range.

Should I buy from the Breville Brand?

If you have come to this page, you will most probably have heard about some good things about the Breville Brand. Amongst those, here are some reasons why Breville is one of the preferred espresso brand.

First-Class Materials:

The majority of appliances from Breville are made out of stainless steel, simple to clean materials, and durable. Their machines are made to attain two things.

Firstly to satisfy the customers with both top quality as well as for a perfect brewing process. Secondly to make an outstanding cup of espresso that is made especially by you.

Easy To Use:

They made their items with user-friendly features. Thus it is easy to get the hang of using their machines for both espresso newbie to espresso experts alike.

One Year Guaranteed Limited Warranty:

Not to mention, Breville offers a 12 months warranty on each of its products. So, while you become familiar with your unit better, you will have no concerns about trying this if you want.

Good Customer Support:

They have excellent customer support representatives who are all set to answer all of your queries and they’re operational seven days in a week.

Which Breville Espresso Machine Is The Best?

There are number of Breville espresso machines. Which is the best espresso machine will depend on your preferences.

If you are just starting out, the Breville Duo Temp Pro is a great option to buy. It has a simple dial controls but yet comes with some advanced features for a good espresso extraction. The con is that you have to purchase a grinder separately.

Between Bambino Plus and Duo Temp Pro, the main difference is the heating system. If you do not like to wait, Bambino’s newer heating system can heat up water in just 3 seconds.

However, if you want to brew espresso direct from fresh coffee beans, the Barista Pro will be a better option with its integrated grinder. It also comes with the newer heating system for fast heat up.

But if you truly want an fully automatic espresso machine, Oracle Touch is the ultimate choice. It has more advanced features for better espresso extraction. It is also much faster with dedicated boilers and pump for brewing espresso and steaming.

Breville BES990BSSUSC Oracle Touch Fully Automatic Espresso Machine,

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