(GUIDE) How To Make Latte With Breville Espresso Machine?

If you’re a coffee lover, there’s nothing quite like starting your day with a deliciously creamy and rich latte. And what better way to make a latte than with the convenience and precision of a Breville espresso machine? With its advanced features and user-friendly design, a Breville espresso machine can help you create the perfect latte right in the comfort of your home.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of making a latte with a Breville espresso machine. From choosing the right beans to mastering the art of milk frothing, we’ve got you covered. So let’s get started and turn your kitchen into your very own coffee shop!

In Short: How To Make Latte With Breville Espresso Machine

  1. Choose the right beans for your latte: Opt for a medium to dark roast with a rich and smooth flavor profile. Consider experimenting with different origins and blends to find your favorite.

  2. Get to know your Breville espresso machine: Familiarize yourself with the different functions and settings of your machine. Make sure it is clean and properly maintained before starting.

  3. Master the art of milk frothing: Frothing milk is a crucial step in creating a latte. Learn the proper techniques for achieving creamy and velvety milk foam.

  4. Create the perfect espresso shot: Dial in the right grind size, dose, and extraction time to achieve a well-balanced and flavorful espresso shot.

  5. Craft your latte: Pour the frothed milk over the espresso shot in a careful and controlled manner. Use latte art techniques to add a touch of beauty to your creation.

  6. Experiment with latte flavors and variations: Add syrups, spices, or extracts to your latte to create unique flavor combinations and personalize your drink.

Now let’s dive into each step in more detail and explore the tips and tricks for making a delicious latte with your Breville espresso machine.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right beans is crucial for a flavorful latte. Opt for medium to dark roast beans with a rich and smooth flavor profile.
  • Familiarize yourself with your Breville espresso machine’s functions and settings before starting.
  • Master the art of milk frothing to achieve creamy and velvety foam for your latte.
  • Dial in the right grind size, dose, and extraction time to make a well-balanced and flavorful espresso shot.
  • Use latte art techniques to add an aesthetic touch to your latte.
  • Experiment with various flavors, syrups, spices, and extracts to personalize your latte and discover new taste combinations.

Choosing The Right Beans For Your Latte

The foundation of a great latte is a high-quality coffee bean. When selecting beans for your latte, consider the flavor profile and roast level. Medium to dark roast beans work best for lattes, as they offer a balance of rich flavors and subtle sweetness. The darker roast brings out the chocolate and caramel notes, resulting in a smooth and velvety texture.

Look for beans that have been recently roasted and are within their optimal freshness period. Avoid pre-ground coffee, as it tends to lose its flavor quickly. Instead, purchase whole beans and grind them just before brewing for the best results. This ensures the freshest and most flavorful coffee.

Experiment with different origins and blends to find the flavor profile that suits your taste preferences. Some popular choices for lattes include Brazilian, Colombian, and Ethiopian coffees. Each origin brings its unique characteristics, so take the time to explore and discover your favorites.

Getting To Know Your Breville Espresso Machine

Before diving into making a latte, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the different features and functions of your Breville espresso machine. Each machine may have specific settings and options, so consult the user manual for detailed instructions.

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Ensure that your machine is clean and well-maintained before starting. Regularly cleaning the espresso machine prevents any buildup or flavor contamination from previous brews. Pay special attention to the brewing group, portafilter, and steam wand.

Here are some key components of a Breville espresso machine that you should be familiar with:

  1. Water reservoir: Fill the reservoir with fresh, filtered water. Make sure it is properly inserted and securely in place.

  2. Grinder: If your Breville espresso machine has a built-in grinder, adjust the grind size according to your preference. A finer grind is generally recommended for lattes.

  3. Portafilter: The portafilter is the handle-like device that holds the coffee grounds. Some machines come with single-wall and dual-wall filter baskets, offering different extraction options. Refer to your machine’s manual for the recommended basket to use.

  4. Steam wand: This component is used to froth milk for your latte. Get acquainted with the various steam wand controls and techniques for achieving the desired milk texture.

Take the time to understand and experiment with these components to ensure you make the most of your Breville espresso machine.

Mastering The Art Of Milk Frothing

Frothing milk is what gives a latte its signature creamy texture. To achieve the perfect frothed milk, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right milk: Whole milk tends to froth the best due to its higher fat content, resulting in a creamier and more velvety texture. However, you can also use alternative milk options such as oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk. Keep in mind that the milk’s protein content plays a significant role in frothability.

  2. Preparing the milk: Begin by filling a stainless steel pitcher with the desired amount of milk. As a general guideline, fill the pitcher halfway to allow room for expansion during frothing. Cold milk works best for achieving the desired texture.

  3. Purge the steam wand: Before frothing, purge any residual water or condensed steam from the steam wand. This helps ensure that you achieve dry steam and prevent any water from diluting the milk.

  4. Positioning the steam wand: Submerge the steam wand into the milk, ensuring the tip is just below the surface. Position the pitcher at an angle to encourage proper aeration and swirling.

  5. Frothing technique: Turn on the steam wand and let it run at full power to create steam. With practice, you’ll learn to adjust the positioning of the wand to achieve the desired amount of froth and heat. Start by frothing the milk while keeping the wand near the surface, then gradually submerge it deeper as the milk expands.

  6. Achieving the right temperature: The ideal milk temperature for a latte is around 150°F (65°C). To ensure consistent results, use a thermometer or rely on your senses to gauge the milk’s temperature. Be cautious not to scorch the milk, as it can negatively affect the flavor.

  7. Texturing the milk: Aim for a smooth and velvety texture, with small and fine bubbles throughout the milk. Avoid creating large foam bubbles, as they can make the milk more difficult to pour and result in an uneven texture in your latte.

With practice and patience, you’ll be able to achieve professional-quality milk froth, enhancing the taste and appearance of your latte.

Creating The Perfect Espresso Shot

The heart of any latte is a well-executed espresso shot. Here’s how you can dial in the right grind size, dose, and extraction time to achieve a flavorful and well-balanced shot:

  1. Grind size: Experiment with different grind sizes to find the one that works best for your taste preferences. Finer grinds typically result in a more intense and flavorful shot, while coarser grinds lead to a milder extraction. Adjust the grind size according to your machine’s recommendations and the flavor profile you desire.

  2. Dose: The dose refers to the amount of coffee grounds you use in the portafilter. A standard dose for a double shot of espresso is usually around 18-20 grams. However, you can adjust the dose based on your taste preference. Using a digital scale can help you achieve consistency in dosing.

  3. Distribution and tamping: Once you’ve dosed the coffee grounds into the portafilter, distribute them evenly using a distribution tool or by gently tapping the portafilter on a flat surface. Afterward, apply firm and even pressure when tamping the coffee with a tamper. Tamping ensures uniform extraction and prevents channeling.

  4. Extraction time: The extraction time can vary depending on the coffee beans, grind size, and dose. Aim for a total extraction time of approximately 25-30 seconds. If the extraction is too quick, the shots will be under-extracted and taste sour. Conversely, if the extraction takes too long, the shots will be over-extracted and taste bitter.

  5. Shot volume: Monitor the volume of the espresso shots to ensure consistency. A double shot of espresso typically yields around 2 ounces (60 mL) in volume. Adjust the grind size or dose if needed to achieve the desired extraction volume.

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By fine-tuning these variables and experimenting with different parameters, you can tailor the espresso shot to your taste preferences, resulting in a perfect base for your latte.

Crafting Your Latte: Tips And Tricks

Now that you have mastered the essential steps of milk frothing and espresso extraction, it’s time to bring everything together and craft your latte. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your latte is visually pleasing and delicious:

  1. Preheat your cup: Warm up your cup before pouring the espresso shot and frothed milk. This helps maintain the optimal temperature of your latte.

  2. The golden ratio: A standard latte consists of one shot of espresso and 6-8 ounces (180-240 mL) of frothed milk. Adjust the ratios according to your taste preferences and cup size.

  3. The pour: Start by pouring the espresso shot into the preheated cup. Hold the cup at a slight angle and pour the frothed milk over the espresso slowly and steadily. This allows the layers to blend smoothly and prevents any separation.

  4. Latte art: To take your latte up a notch, learn some basic latte art techniques. With practice, you can create patterns like hearts, rosettas, or even intricate designs. Pouring the milk from a higher position and experimenting with pouring techniques can help achieve different patterns.

  5. Sweetening your latte: If you prefer a sweeter latte, consider adding a touch of sweetener like simple syrup, vanilla syrup, or flavored syrups. Choose syrups that complement the flavors of your coffee and enhance the overall experience.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Don’t be discouraged if your latte art doesn’t look Pinterest-worthy right away. With time and patience, you’ll be able to create beautiful and Instagram-worthy lattes!

Experimenting With Latte Flavors And Variations

One of the joys of making lattes at home is the ability to experiment with different flavors and variations. Here are some ideas to inspire your creativity:

  1. Syrups: Explore the world of flavored syrups to add depth and complexity to your latte. Common syrup flavors include vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and cinnamon. Start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preferences.

  2. Spices: Add a sprinkle of your favorite spices to your latte for a warm and aromatic twist. Common options include cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, or even a pinch of chili powder for a spicy kick.

  3. Extracts: Infuse your latte with unique flavors by adding a few drops of extracts. Popular choices include almond, peppermint, coconut, or even lavender.

  4. Chocolate: For the chocolate lovers, consider adding a touch of cocoa powder, chocolate syrup, or grated chocolate to your latte. This creates a rich and indulgent treat.

  5. Whipped cream: Take your latte to the next level by topping it with a dollop of homemade whipped cream. Dust with cocoa powder, cinnamon, or drizzle some caramel sauce for an extra special touch.

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Feel free to mix and match different flavors and ingredients to create your own signature latte. The possibilities are endless, so let your inner barista shine and don’t be afraid to get creative!


Making a latte with a Breville espresso machine allows you to enjoy cafe-quality coffee from the comfort of your home. By choosing the right beans, mastering the art of milk frothing, creating the perfect espresso shot, and experimenting with flavors, you can craft a delicious and personalized latte experience.

Remember to familiarize yourself with your Breville espresso machine’s features and functions to optimize your brewing process. Practice and patience are key to consistently making excellent lattes, so don’t be afraid to experiment and refine your technique.

With this comprehensive guide, you now have all the knowledge and tips to start creating barista-worthy lattes. So grab your Breville espresso machine, some high-quality beans, and get ready to impress yourself and your guests with your latte-making skills. Happy brewing!


What Kind Of Beans Should I Use To Make Latte With A Breville Espresso Machine?

For a bold and rich flavor, it is recommended to use espresso beans that have been dark roasted. Alternatively, you could also use medium roast beans that offer a more mellow taste.

How Do I Grind My Beans To Make A Latte?

It is best to grind your beans just before making your latte. Adjust the grinder dial on your Breville espresso machine until you achieve your desired coarseness. For a latte, a medium-fine grind is recommended.

What Is The Best Milk To Use For A Latte?

The best milk for a latte is whole milk as it creates a creamy texture and rich taste. However, you can also use 2% or skim milk if you prefer a lighter taste.

How Much Milk And Espresso Should I Use To Make A Latte?

A classic latte recipe consists of 1-2 shots of espresso, depending on your preference, and 6-8 ounces of steamed milk. You can adjust the amounts to your liking.

How Do I Froth The Milk For My Latte With A Breville Espresso Machine?

Place your desired amount of milk into a frothing pitcher and insert the steam wand from your Breville espresso machine. Submerge the wand in the milk and turn on the steam until the milk begins to froth. Move the wand down as the milk expands until it reaches your desired texture.

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