[Guide] How To Change Cup Size On Nespresso Vertuo Plus

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus is a highly popular coffee machine that offers a wide range of cup sizes to cater to different preferences. With its advanced technology and user-friendly interface, changing the cup size is a breeze. In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing the cup size on the Nespresso Vertuo Plus, providing you with tips and troubleshooting solutions along the way.

In Short: How To Change Cup Size On Nespresso Vertuo Plus

To change the cup size on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill the water tank with fresh water and ensure it is properly attached.
  2. Place a cup on the drip tray that can accommodate the desired cup size.
  3. Lift the lever on the top of the machine and insert a Vertuo capsule.
  4. Close the lever and wait for the machine to heat up.
  5. Press the button corresponding to the desired cup size.
  6. The machine will start brewing, and your coffee will be dispensed into the cup.

Key Takeaways

  • The Nespresso Vertuo Plus offers various cup sizes to choose from.
  • Changing the cup size is easy and can be done by pressing a single button.
  • Customizing the cup size allows you to personalize your coffee experience.
  • Troubleshooting steps can help in case of any issues during cup size change.

Understanding The Nespresso Vertuo Plus

The Nespresso Vertuo Plus is a versatile coffee machine that uses Centrifusion technology to brew coffee. This technology ensures that each coffee capsule is gently spun at high speeds, allowing for the extraction of a full-bodied and flavorful cup of coffee.

The machine offers different cup sizes, ranging from small espressos to larger coffee mugs. The cup sizes available on the Nespresso Vertuo Plus include espresso (1.35 oz), double espresso (2.7 oz), gran lungo (5 oz), coffee (7.7 oz), and alto XL (14 oz). Changing the cup size is a straightforward process, requiring only a few simple steps.

Steps To Change Cup Size

Follow these steps to change the cup size on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus:

  1. Fill the water tank: Start by filling the water tank with fresh water. Ensure that it is properly attached to the machine.

  2. Prepare the cup: Place a cup on the drip tray that can accommodate the desired cup size. Make sure it is positioned correctly.

  3. Insert the capsule: Lift the lever on the top of the machine to open the capsule compartment. Insert a Vertuo capsule of your choice into the capsule chamber.

  4. Close the lever: Close the lever to secure the capsule in place. Make sure it is fully closed and latched.

  5. Wait for the machine to heat up: The Nespresso Vertuo Plus has a rapid heat-up time, but it is essential to allow the machine to reach the optimal brewing temperature. This usually takes about 15-20 seconds.

  6. Select the cup size: The Vertuo Plus has a selection of buttons located on the top of the machine. Each button corresponds to a specific cup size. Press the button that matches your desired cup size. The machine will start brewing your coffee immediately.

  7. Coffee dispensing: Once you have selected the cup size, the machine will begin brewing your coffee. The cup will be filled with the appropriate amount of coffee for the selected size.

  8. Enjoy your coffee: Sit back, relax, and savor your freshly brewed coffee.

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Tips And Tricks For Customizing Cup Size

Here are some additional tips and tricks for customizing your cup size on the Nespresso Vertuo Plus:

  1. Experiment with different cup sizes: The variety of cup sizes offered by the Vertuo Plus allows you to experiment and find the perfect size for your taste. Try different sizes to discover which one suits your preferences the best.

  2. Adjust the amount of coffee: If you find that the coffee is too weak or too strong for your liking, you can adjust the amount of coffee by selecting a different cup size. Larger cup sizes will produce a milder flavor, while smaller cup sizes will result in a stronger, more concentrated taste.

  3. Pre-heat your cup: For a hotter cup of coffee, pre-heat your cup before brewing. This can be done by rinsing it with hot water or placing it on the cup warmer, if your Nespresso Vertuo Plus model has one.

  4. Experiment with brewing time: If you prefer a stronger cup of coffee, you can experiment with extending the brewing time. This can be achieved by pressing the cup size button again during the brewing process. However, it is important to note that a longer brewing time may result in a more bitter taste.

  5. Clean and descale regularly: To ensure optimal performance and maintain the quality of your coffee, it is crucial to clean and descale your Nespresso Vertuo Plus at regular intervals. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and descaling to keep your machine in top condition.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while changing the cup size on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus, here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve them:

  1. Machine not responding: If the machine does not respond when you press the cup size button, check the power connection and ensure that the machine is properly plugged in. Also, verify that there is sufficient water in the tank and that the lever is fully closed.

  2. No coffee dispensed: If the machine is not dispensing coffee, ensure that the water tank is filled to the appropriate level. Additionally, check that the capsule is correctly inserted and that the lever is fully closed. If the issue persists, try removing and reinserting the capsule or try a different capsule.

  3. Water leakage: If you experience water leakage during the brewing process, check that the capsule is properly positioned and the lever is fully closed. Make sure that the cup is placed correctly on the drip tray, so the coffee is dispensed directly into the cup.

  4. Inconsistent cup size: If the machine consistently produces incorrect cup sizes, check that the correct cup size button is being selected. Also, ensure that the lever is fully closed before pressing the button. If the issue persists, perform a machine reset by turning it off, unplugging it, and waiting for a few minutes before plugging it back in and turning it on.

  5. Unwanted froth or crema: If you notice excessive froth or crema in your coffee, make sure that the cup is positioned correctly on the drip tray. Avoid moving or shaking the cup during the brewing process, as this could introduce air and cause excessive frothing.

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If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, it is recommended to contact Nespresso customer support for further assistance or consult the user manual for specific troubleshooting instructions.

Final Thoughts And Recommendations


How Do I Change The Cup Size On My Nespresso Vertuo Plus?

To change the cup size on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the button for the desired cup size (espresso or coffee).
  2. While holding the button, adjust the cup support to the desired cup size by sliding it up or down.
  3. Release the button when the desired cup size is selected.
  4. The machine will now remember this setting for future use.

Can I Change The Cup Size During The Brewing Process?

Yes, you can change the cup size during the brewing process. Simply press and hold the button for the desired cup size while the coffee is being brewed. Release the button when the desired amount has been dispensed.

How Do I Switch Between Espresso And Coffee Cup Sizes?

To switch between espresso and coffee cup sizes on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus, press and hold the button for the desired cup size (espresso or coffee) until the light blinks. This indicates that the machine has recognized the new cup size setting.

Can I Change The Cup Size For Different Coffee Capsules?

Yes, you can change the cup size for different coffee capsules on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus. Different capsules may require different cup sizes to achieve the optimal taste, so it is recommended to adjust the cup size accordingly for each capsule.

Why Is It Important To Adjust The Cup Size On My Nespresso Vertuo Plus?

Adjusting the cup size on your Nespresso Vertuo Plus is important as it allows you to customize the coffee strength and flavor according to your preference. Different cup sizes also work better for different types of coffee capsules, ensuring you get the best possible taste from each cup.

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